Special Commentator Hu Xinhong

  "High school students shouted Ultraman lines were dismissed", there is the latest response.

  A few days ago, the Education and Technology Bureau of Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province announced to the public that “Hedong No. 1 Middle School dissuaded several high school students from yelling Ultraman’s lines, and issued a reward announcement for students to report other issues. The incident of yelling to behave like classmates was dealt with with warnings from the school involved, and the principal was notified and criticized throughout the district, and he was required to conduct a thorough written inspection.

  Students shouting "Do you still believe in light" and other lines from Ultraman Animation, why were they dismissed?

It is reported that the cause was that three students took the lead in yelling in the student apartment at 10:50 in the evening, which caused a large number of students to follow suit and affect other students' normal rest.

For this reason, the school made a top-notch punishment of “persuade” and intended to put an end to such bad behavior through “reward”.

  In other words, the students were dismissed not because they imitated Ultraman, but because they screamed in the middle of the night. It didn't matter what they called.

If the news headline is changed to say that students are dismissed screaming in the middle of the night, it will undoubtedly appear more reasonable, and the irritation to the public's eyeballs may be greatly reduced.

  However, even so, it is not enough to change the nature of things.

The biggest problem in this matter is that the school has distorted the original intention of educational punishment and violated the principle of educational punishment.

  Education is inseparable from proper discipline, but the purpose of discipline is to better educate students.

The newly promulgated "Primary and Secondary School Educational Disciplinary Rules (Trial)" issued by the Ministry of Education clearly stipulates that the implementation of educational punishment should follow the principles of education, legality, and appropriateness.

Students shouting in the middle of the night is just a minor violation of discipline, and can only be subject to general education punishment, which can include criticism by name, oral or written reviews, additional teaching or class public service tasks, etc.

Using the big killer of "persuade to retreat" to this little matter undoubtedly seriously violated the principle of proper punishment.

  Using wrong disciplines to make students recognize their mistakes, such "education" is chilling.

This approach is simple and rude, exposing the school's outdated educational concepts and insufficient governance capabilities.

  It's not uncommon for schools to kill students for minor faults.

At the end of 2019, a senior high school student in Wenxian No. 1 Middle School in Henan Province was "pre-expelled" because he was found to have eaten instant noodles in his dormitory.

The nature of the two incidents is the same.

  Educational discipline is not punishment for punishment, but a way of education.

When imposing discipline, one must not violate its educating attributes, and must not wave a big stick at will to "intimidate" it. It is reasonable to choose appropriate measures that are compatible with the degree of the student's fault.

Every teacher knows these principles, but the question is, why are there so many educators who ignore common sense and abuse them?

  Whether it's "calling Ultraman's lines to be dismissed" or "pre-expulsion" for eating instant noodles in the dormitory, improper punishment is only the appearance, and the "killing the chicken and the monkey" behind the management thinking is the key.

Such reliance on "suppression" education is actually a kind of educational lazy policy.

If this way of thinking is not effectively changed, the education and discipline of making a fuss may still happen.