• In Umbria two suspected cases of Brazilian variant

  • WHO: English variant present in 70 countries, the South African in 31

  • Coronavirus, Brazilian variant: first suspected case in Varese


03 February 2021

 "The first case of the South African variant of Sars-Cov-2 observed in Italy to date is being evaluated at the Asst Sette Laghi Hospital in Varese": this is what we read in a press release from the healthcare company of Varese.

The South African variant was found in a man who returned in recent days from an African country to Malpensa airport, tested positive for a swab performed at the Varese Hospital, where he was hospitalized and where the variant was identified by the Laboratory of Microbiology. The sample will be sent to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità for confirmation.