Child tantrums are known by behavior modification experts as an emotional outburst followed by disturbing behavior, often a reaction to a child's unmet desire.

Usually these seizures translate into more than one behavior for the child who expresses his frustration by continuous screaming or exaggerating urgency to implement his desire, accompanied by throwing things around him or lying on the floor and refusing to follow orders.

Tantrums are more likely to occur in young children who are unable to express their needs or control their emotions when frustrated.

If the foregoing is the opinion of specialists in modifying children's behavior to the concept of a "temper tantrum," then mothers have another definition, which may combine feeling extreme embarrassment in public places and events, trying to control a situation out of control, and confronting harsh looks and hurtful comments from those around that send Clear messages to the mother that she is unable to raise her son and correct his behavior.

Only a mother who faced these situations would feel this pain, and she felt unable to control, in a scene in which all the blame fingers were directed at her.

Few are those mothers who are able to overcome this situation in a correct educational way, without insulting the child or satisfying his desire, and before emotionally on the critics inappropriately.

Children's tantrums are not disgrace and do not necessarily mean mothers' failure to raise them (pixel)

Take care of your affairs

American mother Taylor Myers posted a post on Facebook, in which she narrated one of the frequent embarrassing situations she was subjected to, as her four-year-old, hyperactive daughter, suffered a tantrum while waiting in a line in a store, after Taylor insisted on preventing her daughter from picking up a bag of The chips, the child became angry and behaved in inappropriate behavior.

Taylor tried to follow the correct educational behavior in returning the bag of chips and ignoring the anger of her crying little daughter, and she was well aware that surrendering to her daughter's desire would encourage her to this behavior in the future, so she refused to back down and ignored her child's strange behavior and continued to wait in line, until a woman interfered in the same line, Showed her distress at the screaming baby, she asked Taylor to give her daughter a cake or something so that she would stop screaming.

Taylor screamed at the lady and said, "Take care of your affairs only, she is a 4-year-old girl," but Taylor's screaming was nothing but an internal defeat for a mother accused of laziness or indifference from people who do not realize the extent of her suffering with an ADHD child. Then the mother collapsed, crying in front of everyone.

"I was supposed to explain to her my daughter's state of health," Taylor says, but the lady's angry behavior and her criticism of her made her not follow the appropriate reaction.

Reactions were supportive to Taylor's post, which exceeded more than half a million likes, as it was a good opportunity for mothers to say what no one had heard before about their suffering with children's tantrums outside the home.

At the end of her post, she indicated that one comment might break someone, so it is necessary for you to be kind to mothers, because you never know what a woman is going through under all these pressures due to the actions of a child suffering from bad behavior.

Princes also shout

Children's tantrums are not disgrace, nor do they necessarily mean neglecting their upbringing, as even royal children get angry.

Years ago, during a royal tour in Germany of the Dukes William and Kate Middleton, Princess Charlotte screamed in protest at something, and threw herself on the ground in front of the lenses of the international media, it was not from the mother that she carried and rushed to the plane in an attempt to resolve the situation.

Despite the strict royal education, and the army of educational assistants who support Kate Middleton in raising her children, this did not spare her these crises with her children.

What to offer to mothers

If there is advice that can be given to mothers in these situations, support is in every possible way.

A mother who struggles to control her child's behavior while shopping or while in public places such as restaurants, transportation, or anywhere else, should not be punished.

The surrounding people must realize that the mother’s neglect of her child's urgency does not mean that she is neglecting or misbehaving. Rather, these are the best ways to reduce her son’s wrong behavior, as it is never permissible to intervene and satisfy the child's desire to silence him.

For example, if a mother denies sweets to her child, then those "forbidden items" should not be given as a compliment.

Sharp looks and comments may prompt mothers to take a violent and non-parenting reaction to their child, just to please those around.

Regardless of the long-term impact on the child, blaming the mother is the worst thing you can do in these situations.

The mother can be offered help at that moment without any direct intervention or attempt to control the child by touch.

It may be appropriate to ask the mother what kind of help she needs, and ask permission to distract the child to a simple game or song, or ask interesting questions to the child to calm his emotions.

Remember well that the few minutes that you cannot bear with a child who screams continuously are continuous hours that the mother lives with her child, and then the suffering of others should be appreciated and support provided to them, because kindness is a better way than directing arrows to modify the behavior of others.