
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is exploring whether corona vaccines could also be produced in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

"We have already become active and have sought contact with possible producers in the country and with the licensees," said Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) on Tuesday in Schwerin.

However, the project to produce vaccines is very complex and expensive.

The production processes cannot simply be outsourced.

What is needed is functioning supply chains, an appropriate infrastructure and staff.

According to Glawe, MV will receive around 28,800 vaccine doses of the recently approved Astrazeneca corona vaccine by February 17.

The Standing Vaccination Commission recommends this award only to adults under 65 years of age.

This vaccine can therefore initially be used to vaccinate people under 65 who work in old people's and nursing homes.

The minister said he was confident that more people in general practitioners' practices will be able to be vaccinated in the future because the Astrazeneca vaccine is easier to store.

According to this, around 600,000 vaccine doses from Biontech / Pfizer will arrive in the state in the second quarter, three times as many as in the first quarter of the year.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of cans should come from the manufacturer Moderna.

Glawe emphasized that there should initially be another 28 days between the first and second vaccination with these two substances.


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