• Jobs: Istat, after four months of decline, employment returns to grow: + 0.4%.

  • Work, Istat: in June the unemployment rate rises to 8.8%, among young people 27.6%

  • Istat: in May the unemployment rate rose to 7.8%.

    Penalize women

  • Istat, stable unemployment rate: youth unemployment is growing

  • Istat: stable unemployment in Italy in December.

    Fixed jobs collapse: over 3 million temporary workers

  • Istat, unemployment down to 9.5% in August: minimum since 2011


February 1, 2021 In December, the number of employed people declines and there is an increase in the unemployed and inactive.

Istat notes it in disseminating provisional data.

The decrease in employment (-0.4% compared to November, equal to -101 thousand units) involves women, both employees and self-employed workers and characterizes all age groups, with the sole exception of those over 50 who show a growth;

the male component was substantially stable.

Overall, the employment rate drops to 58.0% (-0.2 percentage points).

The number of people looking for work starts to grow again (+ 1.5%, equal to + 34 thousand units) in a generalized way and only for 15-24 year olds there is a decrease.

The unemployment rate rises to 9.0% (+0.2 points) and among young people to 29.7% (+0.3 points).

In December, the number of inactive people grew (+ 0.3%, equal to + 42 thousand units) among women, 15-24 and 35 49, while it decreased among men and the remaining age groups.

The inactivity rate rises to 36.1% (+0.1 points).

Despite the decline in December, the level of employment in the October-December 2020 quarter is 0.2% higher than that of the previous quarter (July-September 2020), with an increase of 53 thousand units.

In the quarter the number of people looking for work fell (-5.6%, equal to -137 thousand) and the inactive between 15 and 64 years of age increased (+ 0.1%, equal to + 17 thousand units).

The repeated economic downturns in employment recorded between March and June 2020, combined with that of December, brought employment to a lower level than that recorded in December 2019 (-1.9%, equal to -444 thousand units).

The decrease involves men and women, employees (-235 thousand) and self-employed (-209 thousand) and all age groups, with the exception of the over 50s, an increase of 197 thousand units, mainly due to the demographic component.

The employment rate drops by 0.9 percentage points in one year.

In December 2020, the hours per capita actually worked per week, calculated on the total number of employees, amounted to 28.9, a level of 2.9 hours lower than that recorded in December 2019;

the difference falls to 2.5 hours between employees, for which the number of hours worked is equal to 28.0.

Over the twelve months, the number of job seekers decreased (-8.9%, equal to -222 thousand units), while inactive persons between 15 and 64 years increased (+ 3.6%, equal to + 482 thousand) .

EU unemployment stable in December: in the eurozone at 8.3%

In December 2020, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in the euro area stood at 8.3%, stable compared to November and up from 7.4% of December 2019. This was reported by Eurostat, explaining that the EU-27 unemployment rate was 7.5% in December, stable even compared to November 6.5% in December 2019.

Eurostat estimates that 16,000 million men and women in the EU, of whom 13,671 million in the euro area, were unemployed in December 2020. Compared to November 2020, the number of unemployed increased by 67,000 in the EU and by 55,000 in the euro area.

Compared to December 2019, unemployment increased by 1.951 million in the EU and by 1.516 million in the euro area.