
The chairman of the AfD parliamentary group, Alice Weidel, is leaving the liberal Hayek society.

As their spokesman Daniel Tapp announced on Monday, Weidel explained in a letter to the board of the association: “This step was difficult for me, but in the current heated mood it seems sensible and sensible to me, so that a completely failed debate can end as quickly as possible can. "

She continues to feel obliged to the values ​​of the society named after the liberal Austrian economist Friedrich August von Hayek and wish her "the most fruitful discourse possible on the question of what actually constitutes a liberal spirit," Weidel continued.

The society, organized as an association, also includes other AfD members.

There had been differences of opinion between the society and the Friedrich August von Hayek Foundation over the issue of how to deal with members of the AfD.


The “FAZ” had quoted the chairman of the society, the Kiel economist Stefan Kooths, at the weekend with the words: “We cannot accept that the board of trustees determines society.” The non-partisan society alone decides on members.

Exclusions are only possible if the association's interests are violated.

In a member's circular, Kooths had previously vented his anger at the foundation.

With a view to the AfD and its assessment by the protection of the constitution, he wrote: “Although a decision has not yet been made about whether or not to classify it as a suspected case, society should be given a stance in which otherwise it is threatened with no funding for joint projects. "