
Mannheim (dpa / lsw) - Betting offices are allowed to accept bets despite the corona lockdown.

If pick-up offers for closed retail are permitted, this must also be permitted because of the principle of equal treatment, according to the Administrative Court (VGH) Baden-Württemberg in a decision published on Thursday in Mannheim.

The owner of betting shops in Baden-Württemberg was successful with her urgent application against the unexceptional operating ban under the state government's Corona ordinance (Az. 1 S 124/21 - decision of January 27, 2021).

It operates sales outlets that broker bets to a foreign sports betting company.

According to VGH, it is forbidden to linger in betting shops.

"Only the low-contact acceptance of bets within a fixed time window is permitted."

From the point of view of the court, a pure betting shop can organize its operations in such a way that tickets can only be handed in and received, winnings can be paid out and customer cards can be topped up or blocked.

The court otherwise considers closures to be proportionate due to the current pandemic and the state compensation measures.

According to the VGH, the decision is final.

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PM of the VGH