
Bochum (dpa) - The snake search in the basement of a daycare center in Bochum was finally stopped on Thursday.

"No snake was found," said fire department spokesman Markus Wendelberger.

The building was released again.

"It can be entered safely," said the spokesman.

The time-consuming search for the reptile began on Monday after a snake skin was found in the daycare's basement.

In a box, a teacher had discovered the stripped skin of a carpet python, presumably up to 1.50 meters long, a strangling snake whose bite is painful but non-toxic.

During the search, flour was scattered on the floor, among other things, in order to be able to detect any creep marks.

On Thursday, two reptile experts and the spokesman himself took a final tour of the parish hall, which not only houses a daycare center but also a youth center.

Wendelberger said that they “looked meticulously” again for two and a half hours.

Before reopening, cleaning and clearing work is still pending.

At first it was not known when the daycare center would be reopened.


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