
The fact that scientists did not use the Saarland reference figure in this comparison shows how serious the situation must be.

To make it even clearer, you could also convert the whole thing into magnum ice cream.

So if a magnum weighs 86 grams, then since 1994 trillion, if not trillion, that is, a great many magnums would have disappeared, and that would really be a disturbing vision.

Indeed, the question arises what happened to the 28 trillion tons of ice.

They can't just be gone.

Were they illegally mined by Russian ice cube oligarchs?

Or were they portioned, coated with chocolate, sprinkled with chopped almonds and sold as magnum almonds?

Or has the subsurface of England been replaced by a 100-meter-thick layer of ice since 1994?

That would explain why the British got cold feet and voted for Brexit.