
Stuttgart (dpa) - The CDU social wing has called for Corona aid for low wage earners and poor people.

The deputy chairman of the Christian Democratic workforce, Christian Bäumler, told the German Press Agency that a minimum short-time work benefit of 1200 euros per month, limited to 2021, had to be introduced.

"Employees in the catering and tourism industry in particular are exposed to poverty in the crisis because of their modest salaries," said the CDU politician from Baden-Württemberg.

In addition, he spoke out in favor of a corona surcharge of 100 euros per month for recipients of Hartz IV and basic security in old age.

"The tightening of the mask requirement leads to additional costs that have to be compensated in a welfare state", demanded Bäumler.

The federal and state governments decided last week that the better protective FFP2 masks or surgical masks must be worn on buses and trains as well as in shops.

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