
After the first coronavirus patient came out in Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019, it was counted that the number of confirmed cases around the world reached 100 million in about 13 months.

By country, the United States is the largest with 25 million, followed by India with 10 million, Brazil with 9 million, followed by Russia and Britain.

More than 2 million people died from corona.

It doubled in less than four months from 1 million at the end of September last year, and the United States also has the highest number of deaths.

At this point, the United States is increasing the measures to prevent COVID-19 with the inauguration of President Biden.

Countries with mutant virus outbreaks have restricted entry, and must wear a mask when riding on public transport.

Correspondent Jong-won Kim delivered this news from New York.


25 million cumulative coronavirus cases, and 25% of coronavirus cases worldwide are Americans.

8% of the 300 million U.S. population, that is, one in 13 people, has coronavirus.

The United States also surpassed 400,000 corona deaths, which is also a huge number, accounting for 20% of the world's corona deaths.

That's why the Trump administration has been criticized for ignoring the opinions of scientists and pushing for loose quarantine policies.

[Ron Klein/Director of White House Secretary: (In the Trump administration) there were no procedures to distribute the vaccine to the general public other than nursing homes and hospitals.]

President Biden is taking a more aggressive response.

By reverting the restrictions on entry to Europe and Brazil, which Trump had lifted shortly before retirement, it has decided to restrict entry from 26 European countries including the UK and South Africa, where the virus is spreading.

It has also been decided to make it mandatory to wear masks in public institutions and public transportation.

But mutant viruses are the problem.

[Celine Gunder / Plague Specialist: Soon in the spring break season, people will be on the road again.

At that time, the mutant virus from the UK could spread throughout the United States.]

In the midst of this, there are fears that more cases of infection will emerge, including more than 200 congressional police officers and state defense forces, after the U.S. Capitol riot.

(Video coverage: Lee Sang-wook, video editing: Jung Yong-hwa)