The chat opens on Monday 25 January shortly after 19.00.

You can also join the chat via Ask the Doctor in the Duo app.

Feel free to send in your question now!

See more about the long-term effects of covid-19 and the diagnosis POTS in Ask the doctor on Monday 25 January at 18.45 on SVT1 and SVT Play.

Direct report · Chat about the long-term effects of covid-19


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9 tim09.46

What to do if you experience brain fog after covid-19?

Can the problems be alleviated?

Ask your questions to

Marcus Ståhlberg, cardiologist

, and

Judith Bruchfeld, specialist in infectious diseases

at Karolinska University Hospital.

The chat opens

on Monday 25 January shortly after 19.00


Feel free to send in your question now!

Photo: Johan Garfelt / Catarina Thepper

SVT · Matilda Sandberg