
Schwäbisch Gmünd (dpa / lsw) - 13 people have died so far after a corona outbreak in a nursing home in Schwäbisch Gmünd.

A spokeswoman for the Ostalbkreis district office announced this on request on Sunday evening.

Since the beginning of the wave of infections at the end of December, a total of 92 residents and 41 employees have been infected with the virus in the senior citizen center.

According to the information, 53 residents and 24 home workers are now considered recovered.

The spokeswoman said there is a lot to suggest that the infection rate in the home has peaked and is now flattening out again.

Several media had initially reported on the recently publicized corona outbreak in the home.

According to the district office, the state health office is now checking whether the wave of infections in the senior citizen center can already be traced back to a mutated coronavirus variant.

The results are expected in the middle of the week, said the spokeswoman.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210124-99-152205 / 2

Information about the retirement home