Like many other Swedes, Susanne Wallgren wanted to postpone aging a bit by injecting the neurotoxin botox into her face and neck.

She went to a nurse who sold the procedure black at home on the couch.

One week after the treatment, Susanne could no longer lift one eyelid.

Half his mouth hung down and his lips could not be controlled.

She slurred and it ran out of her mouth.

Neck was weak Susanne had difficulty turning her head.

But the worst was the feeling of not being able to breathe and swallow normally.

The stomach contents ran upwards and since Susanne could not keep any food, she lost 11 kilos in just over a month.

Regrets the treatment

Susanne thought she had had a stroke.

Doctors suspected that it was a case of severe neuromuscular diseases such as MG or the deadly disease ALS.

It was only after a long care carousel that an expert could determine that Susanne's injuries were due to the beauty procedure.

Today, Susanne regrets the treatment and she wants to warn of the risks of botox.

In the video above, she shares her experiences and thoughts about why so many people want to inject a nerve agent in the pursuit of beauty.