- We have field staff in the area who are ready to receive such reports and can go out and see what it is all about, says Maria Falkevik, predator responsible at the county administrative board, says Maria Falkevik.

"Allocation too small"

Six wolves may be shot in the area in Årjäng municipality during the license hunt, which runs until 15 February.

On Thursday, the fifth wolf was shot and according to Gunnar Glöersen at the Swedish Hunters' Association, the hunt will continue during Friday and during the weekend, if no wolf is killed before then.

- That we got to hunt wolves this year is good, but we of course think that this allocation in Värmland is far too little.

We have from the Swedish Hunters 'Association stated that the decision basis that the county administrative board had was incorrect, there was room for more wolves, says Gunnar Glöersen, hunting care consultant at the Hunters' Association.

- There is great uncertainty in that data and an assessment needs to be made, how large a margin you need to have there and we have done that, says Maria Falkevik.

If the Swedish Hunters' Association will apply for extra allocation to the county administrative board, a decision will be made after the sixth wolf has been killed, according to Glöersen.

Hear Gunnar Glöersen, Jägareförbundet, and Maria Falkevik, the county administrative board, tell more in the clip above.