Two hours of news with all the editorial staff of Europe 1 around Isabelle Millet.

Guests but also current affairs debates, in particular at 6.30 p.m. with the Great Voices of Europe 1 and at 7.15 p.m. around Isabelle Millet and a guest.



Pascale Hebel

, director of the Consumer and Business unit at CRÉDOC.


Ronan Chastellier

, sociologist, president of Tendanço, author of

Tendançologie: la fabrication du glamor

(Eyrolles editions, 2008).


Marie-Cécile Cervellon

, professor of marketing at Edhec business school, author of

Revolutionary nostalgia

(editions emerald, 2018).


Margaux Pradel

, manager and owner of the harvester.