
Beijing (AP) - China wants to share its moon rocks with foreign researchers.

Seven weeks after the Chinese moon landing, China's space agency in Beijing published the rules for joint research with foreign scientists.

It is about the allocation and return, the handling of the moon samples and also the exchange of scientific knowledge, as the official news agency Xinhua reported.

For publication, diplomats from the European Union, among others, were invited to the center in Beijing, where the lunar samples are stored and examined.

"We're still preprocessing the lunar samples," said the deputy director of the lunar program, Pei Zhaoyu, according to Xinhua.

The spaceship "Change'e 5" had taken 1731 grams of rock from the earth's satellite.


It was the first time in more than four decades that lunar samples had been brought back to Earth.

After the USA and the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s, China became the third space nation to have succeeded in such a project.

The lunar rock is significantly younger than any sample that has been collected so far.

The investigation could reveal hidden secrets of volcanic activity and the history of the moon.

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