After U.S. President Trump's Twitter account was permanently suspended, false information about the U.S. presidential election on social media showed a sharp decline.

According to the Washington Post, social media analysis firm Signal Labs found that 73% of the fake information alleging the US presidential election fraud was collected from the 9th to 15th, the day after Trump's account suspension.

In addition, the use of hashtags linked to the congressional riots of Trump-supported protesters also fell by 95%.

After the criticism that President Trump instigated a congressional riot of protesters on the 6th, all social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram have been suspended.

Twitter has also suspended more than 70,000 accounts related to the far-right conspiracy theory group'Curenon'.

The Washington Post analyzed in a related article, "It shows how false claims flow through social media. "When tech companies act aggressively, they can reduce false claims."

(Photo = Twitter capture, Yonhap News)