After the American thinker and linguist Noam Chomsky spent decades criticizing power and presenting himself as an outspoken left-wing American anti-war activist, from the Vietnam War to the drone strikes of Barack Obama, preferring to align with the "libertarian socialist" camp, and severely criticizing both parties The major Americans - Republican and Democrat - recently released more than one book dealing with environmental issues, climate change and the nuclear threat, which are the dangers that he believes may lead to the risk of human extinction.

The Green Deal

In his book "The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal," Chomsky explains how predictions of a hotter planet strain the imagination. Large swaths of land will become uninhabitable, afflicted by severe weather, drought, rising sea levels, and crop failure.

He argues with renowned economist Robert Boleyn against the misplaced fear of economic disaster and unemployment arising from the transition to the green economy, and they show how this false anxiety encourages denial of the climate crisis.

Chomsky considers the ongoing environmental crisis unique in human history, as it is a real existential crisis, and those who survive today will determine the fate of humanity.

Meanwhile, the leaders of the most powerful nation in human history are dedicating themselves with passion to destroying the horizons of organized human life.

Noam Chomsky's book "The Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal" (Al Jazeera)

At the same time, there is a solution at hand, and that is the Green New Deal.

We have to completely stop burning fossil fuels to produce energy for the next 30 years at the most, and we must do so in a way that also supports raising living standards, expanding opportunities for workers and the poor around the world.

The authors consider this solution completely realistic in terms of its purely economic and technical advantages, and the real question is: Is this politically possible?

Chomsky examines how we can build political power to make a new green global deal a reality.

Chomsky believes that the impact of pollution is mainly directed towards hurting the poor and the disadvantaged, and says that “when the Trump administration removes pollution controls from factories, who gets hurt because of that? They are people who live near polluted factories because they cannot live anywhere else. If we end the crisis, we are. We help them, so there are a lot of (egalitarian) things that happen almost automatically as a result of the Green New Deal policy, and can be modified to make it more. "

Danger of extinction

"Extinction risk, climate change and nuclear threat" is a recent book published in French by the publishing house "Eco Society". It includes the most important things that the famous American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky said with American activists at a conference and several interviews.

In the article published by the French site, Mediapart, writer and historian Christophe Pation said that Noam Chomsky, who is 92 years old, continues to awaken American consciousness - with his known calm and coolness - by criticizing the American way of life in the 1960s. And the seventies.

Noam Chomsky believes that our planet is currently facing two imminent dangers, namely the nuclear threat and climate change.

The writer mentioned that Chomsky was 17 years old when the atomic bomb claimed lives in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and erased these two cities from the map.

Since then, mankind has lived in constant apprehension and sense of danger because - in the words of Chomsky - we have more than once approached the catastrophe of eliminating humanity.

The end of the bipolar world and the collapse of the Soviet Union were supposed to mark the end of the nuclear threat, but that did not happen.

Chomsky touched on the hard-line and expansionist policy of NATO, and specifically the United States, which will only lead to more tensions with Russia.

He also stressed the seriousness of this threat, expressing his regret at the absence of a popular mobilization able to force these forces to sit again at the dialogue table to discuss the possibility of destroying their stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.

For two decades, climate change and its tangible consequences have become the central topic of international discussions.

Chomsky says that 40% of Americans in the United States view climate issues with suspicion or believe that all of these problems will disappear with the return of Christ to Earth, as he put it.

Trumpism continues

“Just the perception that the fate of a country or the fate of the world is in the grip of a sociopathic clown is a disturbing idea,” Chomsky says, referring to Donald Trump.

But even if Trump goes away, his ideas, which many embrace - or the so-called "Trumpism -" will not disappear.

And Chomsky clings to the idea that most people on Earth have a common interest, which is to save the planet.

It is against the disdain shown by radical tendencies towards voters or climate advocates.

Chomsky warned that this tendency is producing marginalized, isolated and vulnerable individuals who cannot control reality, so that churches become for them the last resort.

“Raising the awareness of the population requires great and continuous efforts, and it is an essential task,” Chomsky asserts.

The writer noted that Chomsky, an educator and a pragmatist, does not believe or rather no longer believes in the Great Revolution.

And he places all his hopes - in the face of the impending catastrophe - on the ability of people to influence the course of history by rallying, voting and uniting their ranks to save the planet from devastation, social misery, neoliberal policies, democratic decay, and the prevalence of "corrupt authoritarian states."

The writer says that Chomsky's analysis "is bleak, albeit with a deep belief in resistance from the lower classes."

A century ago, some believed that disaster could or should trigger a revolution, so they stormed the Winter Palace (the official residence of the Tsars of Russia).

But, according to Chomsky, the nature of the coming disaster is not based on the same perspective.

Biography of an "American dissident"

In his scientific field, Chomsky is described as "the father of modern linguistics" and the author of the theory of "generative grammar", which is the most important contribution to the field of linguistic theories in the 20th century.

He has several times modified his linguistic theory, but while preserving its basic axioms. He is also the founder of the "Chomsky sequence" theory of linguistic analysis.

In the political sphere, Chomsky had an early interest in anarchist philosophy and expanded his criticism of liberal capitalism and propaganda in the media, in addition to US foreign policy. Therefore, he does not hesitate to describe himself as "an anarchist unionist and a socialist liberal."

He supported the student protest movement in 1968, and was arrested several times, as then US President Richard Nixon included him in the list of "enemies of the country". He was also known in 1967 for his opposition to the American military involvement in Vietnam through his article "The Responsibility of the Intellectuals," and he was classified within the "New Left."

He opposed the US-British invasion of Iraq in 2003, and later said that it was that invasion that created the appropriate environment for the emergence of the Islamic State, due to the destruction it had left behind in terms of destroying Iraqi society and establishing sectarianism in it.

He says that the United States fears the establishment of any real democracy in the Arab region, especially with the outbreak of the Arab Spring revolutions and the collapse of its hegemony on the world.

Chomsky visited the Gaza Strip in October 2012, in solidarity with his besieged people, and he always emphasized that Israel pursues policies that increase the risks facing it to the maximum extent, "they are policies that choose expansion at the expense of security, and lead to its moral degeneration, isolation and delegitimization." It is not impossible, which will eventually lead to its destruction. "