
Düsseldorf (dpa) - In contrast to Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia continues to set aside half of every vaccine delivery from Biontech for the second vaccination dose to the first vaccinated.

"In order to be able to guarantee a high probability of immunization of vaccinated people, it is essential to ensure the administration of a second vaccination dose," said a spokesman for the NRW Ministry of Health on Friday of the German press agency.

For this reason, NRW is pursuing the strategy of withholding 50 percent for the second dose.

This approach is also based on statements from the Federal Ministry of Health and Biontech.

In Bavaria, with the Biontech vaccine, the dose for the necessary second vaccination will no longer be set aside for each first vaccinated person, apart from a certain reserve. "The goal is to vaccinate as much as possible as quickly as possible, and we want to take advantage of all opportunities," said Bavaria's Minister of Health, Klaus Holetschek (CSU), the day before. Holetschek justified the change of course with the fact that, according to both the manufacturer and the federal government, the Biontech deliveries were predictable and reliable. The new approach, however, only affects the Biontech, not the Moderna vaccine.