- 52 and a half hours we have been without.

I think it's a bit too long, he says to SVT.

He is critical of the electricity company and believes that they should have taken care of the maintenance of the power lines better.

- It has been boring, sad and cold.

It should have made this clear a little earlier, says Luigi Cipolla, who tells more in the clip about what he thinks about the electricity companies' preparations.

Night shift in shifts

They have been burning day and night.

But he can not help but give thought to those who are worse off.

- My wife and I have taken turns checking the situation.

But there are guaranteed to be many who do not have that opportunity for a wood stove.

Saved the food

Foods in the fridge and freezer he has put outdoors to save.

- I had to leave it on the table outside so that the meat and fish would not thaw completely.