China News Service, January 14th. According to the US "World Journal" report, there have been multiple robberies in the Chinatown area of ​​Chicago recently, and at least four Chinese have become victims.

The Chinese were threatened with guns by robbers. They took off their brand-name down jackets and high-end sneakers on the street, and handed over brand-name bags and mobile phones. The Chicago Ninth Police Division once again urged the community to be vigilant and avoid wearing or carrying valuable clothing and belongings. Probability of gangster target.

  The winter in Chicago is cold. Despite the high unit price of the brand-name down jackets that many consumers love, they are often seen on the streets. The brand logo makes it easy for ordinary people to identify.

  The police pointed out that during the winter of 2019, Chicago had at least six robberies that robbed passers-by of brand-name down jackets in just a week or so. In the past two weeks, such cases appeared to have occurred again.

  In the two recent cases, the first occurred at about 7:50 pm on the 5th local time. Two Chinese were ransacked by four armed robbers near 200 24th Street. According to the victim's description, the robbers directly They took off the brand-name down jackets and snatched their latest Apple mobile phones. The gangsters even forced them to ask for their mobile phone passwords before leaving.

  The second similar case occurred at 5:30 pm on the 11th. A Chinese man just parked his car in the parking lot of the apartment near the intersection of 18th Street and Yonghuo Street. He got off and met his younger sister. Suddenly there were five robbers. Armed with guns at the brothers and sisters, asking them to hand over all their belongings. The victim said that the gangsters forced them to take off their brand-name down jackets and sneakers. At the same time they also snatched two new iPhones, an Apple computer, and He carried the brand-name bag, and finally ordered him to hand over the car keys, and then drove his car away.

  The police said that there are frequent robberies and everyone should be alert and pay attention to the surrounding environment at all times. However, at the same time, it is best to avoid carrying valuables with you, and to minimize the chance of wearing jewelry and brand-name clothing that will target yourself as a robber. Reduce and increase your own safety.

(Huang Huiling)