How many misunderstandings do you know when you are busy with eye protection during winter vacation?

  At present, elementary and middle schools have started to have winter vacations. Taking advantage of the holiday, many parents have begun to bring their babies to check their eyesight, the glasses for the glasses, and the treatment for the treatment. At the same time, the home stays for a long time during the vacation, and they are also competing with electronic products. The peak period of children's eyesight.

How to prevent myopia correctly?

What are the "pits" in the prevention and treatment of myopia that need to be avoided?

Are those eye-protection artifacts that have been popular for a long time?

The reporter visited many ophthalmologists and brought answers to parents.

  Do I have to wait after school to prevent myopia?

Is the OK mirror useful?

  Q: Does myopia prevention start after the child goes to school?

  Professor Yang Xiao, Department of Refraction and Low Vision, Zhongshan Eye Center, Sun Yat-sen University: Postpone the onset of myopia in adolescents, delay the progression of myopia, and reduce the incidence of myopia. The "line of defense" should be moved to the preschool stage, and in the elementary school stage should be "serious prevention" Hold fast, fight every inch of the earth." At the middle school stage, especially in the junior high school, it is necessary to play the role of "peer education" and establish the concept of "use the fragmented time after class and rationally use ophthalmology to protect eyes" among students.

  5~7 years old is the key period to develop good eye habits.

In the early stages of transition and the lower grades of elementary school, parents often attach importance to letting children develop good study habits.

In fact, as the reading and writing time increases, children of this age also need to pay attention to developing correct eye habits.

Poor sitting posture and prolonged use of eyes at close range are all predisposing factors for myopia, and outdoor exercise for more than one hour a day can effectively prevent myopia.

  The development of myopia around school age is the fastest, so preschool children should minimize close reading and spend more time outdoors.

  Q: Is the OK mirror useful?

Can false myopia be corrected with OK lenses?

  Yang Xiao: Orthokeratology, also referred to as OK lens, is a specially designed contact lens made of highly oxygen-permeable materials.

The OK mirror is worn at night to ensure good vision during the day.

After wearing it, it can change the shape of the front surface of the cornea, reducing myopia and astigmatism.

  Wearing an orthokeratology lens is a kind of non-surgical treatment, and it is a reversible correction method. Reversible here means that after stopping wearing, the patient’s vision will slowly return to before it is corrected, so it is necessary to insist on wearing the OK lens correctly In order to maintain normal vision as much as possible.

Orthokeratology is suitable for teenagers and adults over 8 years old, suitable for myopia patients below 500 degrees or patients with regular astigmatism below 150 degrees.

The patient must go to the hospital to do the relevant examinations, and the various indicators can be worn.

  Studies have shown that orthokeratology can control the progression of myopia to a certain extent, and can slow down the growth of the axis of myopia patients. It is currently one of the effective means to control the development of myopia.

  Ortho-Keratoplasty is in contact with the eyes, and special attention should be paid to the habit of maintaining hygiene.

Everyone's own conditions are different, and their eye habits are also different. If you wear OK glasses, the effect may not be the same.

  If it is determined to be false myopia, OK mirrors are not needed for the time being, but prevention and control of myopia must be done. To a certain extent, false myopia can be regarded as an early warning. Once discovered, preventive measures should be taken as soon as possible, such as increasing outdoor activities during the day. Pay attention to eye posture, etc.

  (Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Ren Shanshan, correspondent Tai Mengyun)

  Are anti-blue glasses useful for children's eye protection?

  Question: Is it useful for children to wear anti-blue glasses when using mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products to protect their eyesight?

  Professor Li Zhenping, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: When looking at electronic products such as computers and mobile phones for a long time, blue light of a specific wavelength can damage the retinal lens to a certain extent. At present, some blue light glasses on the market shield or block blue light of specific wavelengths. Reduction can indeed reduce the damage to the macula and retina. For adults, it is recommended to wear anti-blue glasses when using computers and mobile phones.

However, it is not recommended for children in the visual development stage, because the light is composed of light of different wavelengths, and the light of each wavelength can play a role in stimulating visual development during the critical period of visual development. The stimulation of this kind of wavelength light can cause abnormal development of visual function, and may lead to some fusion or three-dimensional defects. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear anti-blue glasses for children before 12 years old and still in the developmental stage.

  Question: Can eating more pork liver and wolfberry reduce myopia?

  Li Zhenping: Folk traditions have always believed that pork liver and wolfberry are eye-sighted foods, which are good for children.

Modern medical research shows that this has a certain theoretical basis.

  Studies have shown that calcium, zinc, vitamin B, and vitamin A are common nutrients needed for children's eye development.

Among them, zinc plays a role in maintaining the development of the optic nerve during the development and formation of the retinal choroid, and can maintain the function of neurophotoreceptor cells.

Zinc is abundant in our daily food. The most common zinc-containing foods are marine products such as sea fish, seaweed, and kelp.

And the food with higher zinc content on land is animal liver.

In this sense, a child's proper liver supplementation can indeed supplement zinc, which is conducive to the development of the eyeballs. Therefore, pig liver can indeed improve the purpose.

Chinese medicine believes that wolfberry is good for nourishing essence, nourishing the kidney and improving eyesight. From the perspective of modern medicine, wolfberry is rich in carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B, calcium, iron and other nutrients needed by the eyes, which is also beneficial to eye development. .

  However, not blindly supplementing pig liver and wolfberry can definitely improve eyesight and reduce myopia.

True myopia cannot be alleviated, it can only control and slow down the occurrence and development of myopia.

Traditional Chinese medicine advocates the prevention and treatment of diseases, and modern medicine emphasizes early prevention and treatment, as well as myopia.

To prevent myopia in children, the first thing to do is to pay attention to a balanced diet. You can add foods rich in calcium, zinc, vitamin A, B and carotene in an appropriate amount, and eat less sweets.

  (Guangzhou Daily full media reporter Zhou Jieying, correspondent Song Liping)

  Why are my children short-sighted even without electronic products?

  Question: My child rarely uses electronic products. Why is it myopia?

  Professor Sha Xiangyin, director of the Ophthalmology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University: First of all, there are many causes of myopia, including genetics, race, environment, diet and eye habits, etc.

So, it's not that you won't be nearsighted if you don't look at electronic products.

  For example, some parents both have high myopia, even if their children do not watch electronic products, due to genetic factors, they are more likely to be nearsighted than other children.

In addition, students are now increasingly burdened with schoolwork. Long-term study with eyes, coupled with incorrect sitting posture, and even lying down often reading books, will increase the burden on the eyes, leading to the occurrence and aggravation of myopia.

Some children are also picky eaters and lack outdoor exercise, which is also a factor that can not be ignored in leading to myopia.

  Question: How old can a child be for myopia surgery?

Which is better, full femtosecond, half femtosecond?

  Sha Xiangyin: Myopia surgery is generally available only for people over 18 years old.

Because the premise of surgery is to require stable myopia, if the patient is young and the axis of the eye is still growing, myopia may continue to increase every year. In this case, surgery is not appropriate.

  Full femtosecond and half femtosecond are suitable for people of different degrees.

Full femtoseconds are more minimally invasive than half femtoseconds, and the incidence of postoperative complications is lower.

However, full femtoseconds have higher requirements for the patient's eye conditions and myopia degree. Some myopia patients with high degree and not thick enough cornea are not suitable for full femtoseconds, and more suitable for half femtoseconds.

But in general, full femtoseconds can be considered first when eye conditions permit, and half femtoseconds can be considered if full femtoseconds are not suitable.

  (Guangzhou Daily full media reporter Weng Shuxian, correspondent Xu Yongyi, Rowe)