On October 7, Tunstall carried out a change of platform to receive security alarms and as a result serious errors and long delays occurred.

One person tried to sound the alarm eight times, without success, and when staff arrived at the home five hours later, he had died.

Changed supplier

Luleå municipality therefore chose to change supplier, from Tunstall to SOS Alarm and the department head Ida Johansson explained at the end of November why:

- It is terrible what has happened and we need a supplier that works.

The 1,600 people in Luleå who have security alarms and their relatives should not have to go and be worried that it will not work.

2.25 million in damages

And now Luleå municipality has sent over its claims for damages to the alarm operator.

The municipality demands just over SEK 2.25 million in compensation, fines and price reductions, and this includes breach of contract.

“Luleå municipality expects an answer from Tunstall.

If no reply is received within ten days of this message being sent from Luleå Municipality, an invoice corresponding to the above amount will be sent with a 30-day payment period. ”

writes Luleå municipality.