On Wednesday, there was a great avalanche danger in the southern Jämtland mountains and a significant avalanche danger in the Härjedal mountains.

- The best thing is to stick to the slopes, says Per-Olov Wikberg who is an avalanche expert at the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

He also says that there have been avalanches in both Bydalen and Åre in recent days, fortunately without injuries.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency compiles the avalanche forecasts that are published on lavinprognoser.se at 5.30 pm every day.

The forecasts for the Abisko-Riksgränsen mountains will be published on 15 January and the forecast for the Kebnekaise mountains will be published on 26 February.

The avalanche forecasts have a five-point scale: 1 = small, 2 = moderate, 3 = significant, 4 = large, 5 = extreme.