Was suffering from skin abscesses for 15 years because of this disease

  Guangzhou Daily (all-media reporter Zhang Qingmei, correspondent Chu Jieya) 45-year-old Mr. Wang had an egg-sized hard nodule on his right hip 15 years ago. Although there was pain but not serious, it was easy to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the subsequent recurrence of erythema and papules, unable to take care of himself, unable to get out of bed, was finally diagnosed as severe "hidradenitis suppurativa".

Experts remind that many skin diseases are chronic, recurring diseases, or even lifelong diseases. Patients must follow the doctor's instructions for long-term medication and standard treatment.

  skin disease

  Repeated attacks for 15 years

  When Mr. Wang was 30 years old, he went to a local hospital for a right hip nodule. After incision and drainage, the abscess subsided and the pain eased.

But it quickly recurred in the original site, with varying degrees of inflammatory erythema, papules, nodules, sinuses, pus, scars, often accompanied by pain and fever, and even a high fever to 39 ℃, which was miserable.

  In early August last year, Mr. Wang’s condition deteriorated. A large number of nodules, cysts, and sinuses appeared again in the folds of the buttocks, vulva, groin, and underarms. There was a large amount of pus overflowing at the mouth of the sinus, accompanied by severe odor and high fever Pain seriously affects normal life.

On August 24, he was transferred to the Department of Dermatology, Guangzhou First People's Hospital, and was eventually diagnosed with severe "hidradenitis suppurativa".

  Multidisciplinary consultation

  Develop a treatment plan

  After admission, the team of Fang Ruihua and Mo You, director of the Dermatology Department of Guangzhou First People's Hospital, immediately organized an MDT multidisciplinary consultation and formulated a treatment plan for Mr. Wang.

However, Mr. Wang did not give priority to surgery and photodynamic therapy considering the difficult economic conditions.

In the case of only conservative treatment with drugs, and with reference to the current treatment progress in some disciplines, after fully communicating with Mr. Wang, the team of Dr. Mo You chose the most advanced biological treatments, mainly tretinoin, antibiotics, and hormones. Treatment plan supplemented by treatment.

  After 2 weeks of treatment and careful care, Mr. Wang's condition has improved significantly.

  Pay attention to patients with skin diseases

  Psychological trauma

  According to Mo You, hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), if coexisting with acne conglobata and abscessive peripillaritis, is called follicular atresia syndrome, also called abnormal acne or reverse acne, which is a chronic Hair follicle occlusive disease.

  The probability of HS is about 1% to 4%. It is common between adolescence and 40 years old. It is common between 10 and 29 years old. Women are more susceptible than men.

It can occur in any skin area, but it is mainly common in the axillary and groin areas.

In mild cases, it may only manifest as recurrent inflammatory nodules and abscesses, while in severe cases, abscesses and scars may form.

Genetics, obesity, smoking, diet and hormonal factors may all lead to the occurrence of HS.

  Mo You said that HS has a great impact on the quality of life of patients. In addition to the associated pain, odor, secretions, and appearance damage all have a stigma, causing serious socio-psychological effects on many patients, and they are prone to social isolation, Inferiority complex, depression, etc.

  The doctor reminded that many skin diseases, although not as serious as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, are chronic, recurring diseases, and even life-long diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, and pemphigus.

Therefore, many patients with skin diseases also need long-term medication and standardized treatment. They should stop taking the medication without getting better. Remember to follow the doctor's advice and take standardized treatment as soon as possible to prevent "small illnesses from becoming serious".