In the broadcast, we interview both American experts and Swedish.

And we show a unique report from British television that accompanied the Trump supporters into Congress.

Our guests include 

Ian Swanson

 from Washington DC.

He is the editor-in-chief of the news site The Hill, which has closely followed American politics since the mid-1990s.

We also interview 

Joy Van Patten

, a pastor and Republican local politician in Warren County, Ohio.

She belongs to a very large group within the Republican Party that is wholeheartedly behind Donald Trump's policies.

In our studio is 

Frida Stranne

, peace and conflict researcher at Halmstad University, who has long followed American politics and society.

Stranne is also affiliated with the Institute for North American Studies at Uppsala University.

Erika Bjerström

 is a foreign correspondent at SVT but has previously been a US correspondent.

She has long followed Trump's voters and revisited several of them for reports in recent years.

Johanna Möllerström

 is Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Virginia.

She has lived in the United States for ten years and has extensive experience from academia.

Johanna Möllerström is also a guest columnist on Svenska Dagbladet's editorial page.

Erik Åsard

, Professor Emeritus of North American Studies, is something of a nestor among Swedish researchers who specialize in American society.

He recently published a book summarizing Donald Trump's time as president.