Xinhua News Agency, Nanjing, January 6 (Reporter Qiu Bingqing) High-intensity, high-pressure, high-stress, and continuous overwork work conditions are becoming an important cause of sudden death among young people.

Experts said that the current heart disease is showing a younger trend, reminding young people to develop a healthy lifestyle and avoid accidents as much as possible.

  "The incidence of heart disease in young people is gradually increasing, which is mainly related to changes in the social environment and poor lifestyles." Ma Genshan, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, analyzes. First of all, excessively greasy eating habits can easily lead to high blood lipids, which can lead to heart disease.

Secondly, the high pressure of life and work can easily lead to excessive consumption of physical energy and overload the heart and cardiovascular system.

In addition, staying up late is also the main cause of sudden death. If staying up for multiple days in a row, it is easy to disrupt the normal biological clock and endanger your health.

  Ma Genshan explained that busy, high-pressure, and intense work will constantly stimulate people's sympathetic nerves.

If you are always in a state of high tension, the sympathetic nervous system will be too excited for a long time, which will cause the heart to be overloaded, the heart rate will increase, and even arrhythmia will occur.

If things go on like this, the heart will be damaged if it is not adjusted in time.

  Ma Genshan pointed out that the rate of myocardial infarction among young and middle-aged people in my country is increasing year by year.

Compared with the elderly, young people have a sudden onset of myocardial infarction, the symptoms are dangerous, most of them have no aura and discomfort, and they are prone to fatal arrhythmia. The early sudden death rate is high, which requires attention.

"Although the heart of young people is stronger, once myocardial infarction occurs, it is more dangerous. Because young people have smoother blood vessels, once an acute myocardial infarction occurs, the blood vessels will spasm in a large area, leading to myocardial ischemia, which is more harmful."

  Ma Genshan said that the prevention of heart disease mainly lies in the change of living habits and life philosophy.

In terms of diet, high oil and fat should be avoided, and vegetarian food should not be eaten blindly. Pay attention to balanced nutrition and eat more high-quality protein, such as beef, lamb, shrimp, etc.; should pay attention to moderate exercise and strengthen exercise; in work and rest, avoid "black and white upside down" "Style" lifestyle.