Fredrik Eliasson emphasizes that it is the travelers' responsibility to obtain mouth protection.

But the Swedish Public Health Agency recommends that transport companies provide oral protection to those who have not had the opportunity to bring their own.

- Until you have obtained your own mouth guards, you can get a mouth guard from the county traffic to manage the journey you have to make, says Fredrik Eliasson.

Provides mouth protection in Örebro

Fredrik Eliasson, public transport manager Länstrafiken Örebro.

Oral protection is only available from the county traffic's customer service at the travel center in Örebro.

- We start like this, this is a measure to be able to defend ourselves in situations where congestion occurs and it is above all in city traffic in Örebro that the problems exist.

But of course the recommendations must be followed in all parts of the county, he says.

Started when the news about mouth guards was wired out

The traveler Alexandra Causil has been using mouth guards on the bus since mid-December when the Public Health Agency informed about the then forthcoming recommendation and has noticed an increase in use.

- It is more now than before but not as many as I thought, says Alexandra Causil.

According to the recommendation, mouth guards should be used between 07:00 and 09:00 in the morning and between 16:00 and 18:00 in the afternoon.

Travelers who do not wear mouth guards will not be evicted, as this is a recommendation, according to Fredrik Eliasson.