The day before Christmas Eve, large parts of the Lipa camp in northwestern Bosnia-Herzegovina burned down.

The fire took place just minutes after the decision to close the camp and is suspected to have been made.

The migrants who remain in the area live in difficult conditions and lack electricity, water, winter clothes and tents, according to aid organizations.

Some have chosen to stay in the abandoned camp and live in makeshift tents while others sleep in the woods, reports Reuters.

"In the last two weeks, we have seen with growing concern the serious humanitarian situation in which many migrants in Bosnia find themselves," said IOM spokesman Paul Dillon.

The IOM estimates that some 3,000 migrants are currently in Bosnia-Herzegovina without housing.

- We and other organizations provide support as best we can, but it is clear that a long-term solution must be found, says IOM's spokesperson Paul Dillon.

The IOM criticizes the Bosnian authorities for failing to reach an agreement on migrants, despite the availability of funds.

However, Suhret Fazlic, the mayor of the nearby town of Bihac, said he had not received any money from the Bosnian authorities or other countries.

Refugees and migrants often travel via the Balkan route from Turkey to Bosnia.

Near the border with Croatia, near the city of Bihac, many have gathered trying to enter the EU.

Photo: SVT Design

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a transit country for migrants and refugees on their way to Croatia, which is a member of the EU.

According to the IOM, about 70,000 migrants have passed through Bosnia since 2018. About 6,000 are in camps and another 3,000 without housing.