Just before noon on New Year's Eve, an acclaimed Swedish rap artist was arrested by the police.

He is now in custody on suspicion of being branded a kidnapper.

However, the artist's criminal connections have been known since before.

In 2018, he was sentenced to prison for a felony.

In connection with the New Year's weekend arrest, the focus has been on the media.

The arrested artist is nominated for the music gala P3 Guld, and in SVT he participates in a documentary that many believe is not problematic enough.

"Mass media pays tribute to the perpetrators"

The moderate member of parliament Hanif Bali is one of those who believe that the media has glorified rappers who have committed crimes.

- The documentary was published without any critical questions.

This is a person who has been convicted of a serious crime, says Bali, and continues:

- This of course has negative consequences for people who live in these places.

In addition to being exposed to crime, the media pays tribute and lifts the perpetrators.

"Can not silence a cultural form"

Expressen's cultural director Karin Olsson believes, however, that the media cannot ignore one of the biggest representatives of Swedish gangster rap.

- We are talking about one of the most streamed artists in Sweden who depicts his life and reality.

And to some extent, one must try to distinguish between art and the author, she says.

- You can not censor and try to silence a cultural form.

"We must resist"

Bali thinks that one must distinguish between rappers who make themselves more dangerous than they are in their lyrics, and rappers who actually commit crimes.

- There is a difference when you are actually the perpetrator - and then brag about it.

It's like Michael Jackson went out and sang about how amazing it is to rape children.

Olsson believes that it must be possible to problematize artists' criminal connections without censoring music.

- I also do not think that SVT should make documentaries without critical questions - but demands to clear Spotify or that P3 should not play these artists, there we must resist, she says.