
04 January 2021

For the Covid-19 vaccine no contraindications in pregnancy and breastfeeding, but it remains essential to inform the woman in a comprehensive manner to help her make an informed choice.

This was stated by the Italian scientific societies of gynecologists (SIGO, AOGOI, AGUI, AGITE) in an interim position paper on "Anti-Covid19 vaccination and pregnancy", shared by the scientific societies of neonatologists (SIN), pediatricians (SIP), of perinatal medicine (SIMP), embryologists (SIERR) and by the national federation of orders of the profession of midwife (FNOPO).

The document, drawn up on the basis of the data offered by the international scientific literature and by the latest report of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità on obstetric surveillance (IToSS), takes stock of the current knowledge on anti Covid vaccines, providing guidelines for both pregnant women and healthcare professionals.

The experts point out that although the data currently available on vaccines are derived only from studies on animal models and no safety and efficacy data are available in pregnant and lactating women, as this is an mRNA vaccine, i.e. not a virus vaccine alive, and in which mRNA particles are rapidly degraded, it is believed that they can be considered sufficiently safe in pregnant women.

On these assumptions, the position paper highlights some indications: pregnant women who do not have a recent history of Covid19 infection and who have specific additional risk factors, can favorably consider receiving the Covid-19 vaccine, which can be performed in any age of pregnancy.

There are no contraindications to the execution of the other vaccinations - influenza and pertussis - recommended during pregnancy.

As a precaution, in the absence of evidence, it is recommended that an interval of at least 14 days be maintained between vaccines.

Specifically: in the vicinity of the flu epidemic, regardless of the age of pregnancy, women can also receive the flu vaccine;

near the 28th week, when the pertussis vaccine is recommended, they can also receive this vaccine.

Women who are breastfeeding and do not report a recent history of Covid-19 infection may favorably consider receiving the vaccine. Even pregnant women who have recently had a Covid-19 infection may still consider choosing to be vaccinated.