It is during the latter part of the autumn that the spread of the covid virus has gained momentum in the northern part of Örebro County.

- We have done well before, but just before Christmas it started to increase here, says Marie-Louise Forsberg-Fransson, operations manager for medicine and geriatrics at Lindebergs hospital.

Ten identified cases

At least ten healthcare professionals and doctors have been affected by covid-19.

Currently, two patients are cared for in the special covid ward, which has room for six patients.

How do you handle the personnel situation?

- We solve it very well in the entire northern area and have continuous meetings.

The collaboration works well.

Then we urge the staff extra much about spraying and keeping distance in staff rooms.

We also spray surfaces extra much.

Fragile position

She describes the situation right now as strained, but under control.

At the same time, there is the awareness that the situation can change quickly.

- The situation is fragile.

This is a difference compared to the spring, when we had more people from the whole area who could help and then more of the other activities were closed.

Now we try to keep as much business going as possible.

At the same time, there are discussions among staff about mutated virus with anxiety and fear and it is a serious disease that we are not used to dealing with, says Marie-Louise Forsberg-Fransson.