[Explanation] In Fuzhou, Fujian, a group of young people from Taiwan who have come across the sea use their creativity and hard work to build dreams and show their talents and ambitions here.

At the beginning of the new year, the reporter interviewed some young people from Taiwan who started their businesses in Fuzhou.

  [Explanation] Aofengfang is a historical and cultural district in downtown Fuzhou, where Wei Chenyun from Taichung, Taiwan runs a training organization with music and fine arts as its core courses-Yunxiang Art.

In 2013, Wei Chenyun received an invitation from an education and training institution and chose to work in Fuzhou.

In just six months, Wei Chenyun really felt the huge potential of the Fuzhou art education market, and he sprouted the idea of ​​starting his own business.

  [Concurrent] Wei Chenyun, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan

  In the past, I came to the mainland to study or travel. The long-term life here started in 2013. I just want to give myself a chance to see if there is any difference.

  [Explanation] In the seven years since starting his business, Wei Chenyun, like many Taiwanese youths, has been fighting for his dreams.

After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia in 2020, they have also accumulated a lot of experience through online teaching.

Wei Chenyun told reporters that the Internet in the mainland is developing rapidly, and he plans to build an art education platform, conduct cross-strait teaching exchange activities, and attract more Taiwanese talents.

  [Concurrent] Wei Chenyun, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan

  The mainland is actually providing us with a lot of help, so that I can do more work on cross-strait integration. I also hope that through some policies here, through some of our own resources and efforts , Can attract more Taiwanese youth to come here, no matter whether they start a business or get a job.

  [Explanation] Ke Chengyu, from Tainan, Taiwan, is a bamboo flute teacher at Yunxiang Art Institute. After graduating from a university in Taiwan in 2018, she came to Fuzhou by herself with the original intention of inheriting traditional culture.

  [Concurrent] Ke Chengyu, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan

  I am studying folk music.

Fuzhou may not know much about folk music. I want to talk about it and pass on folk music.

  [Explanation] Ke Chengyu told reporters that in the past two years, local schools in Fuzhou have gradually begun to attach importance to folk music and began to form folk orchestras.

She also hopes to find out a set of teaching models to better pass on folk music.

  [Concurrent] Ke Chengyu, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan

  During the epidemic, we all use online teaching methods. More and farther places can be taught with us. We hope that more and more students will be able to continue to do it well online.

  [Explanation] In the Yellow Lanes of Fuzhou's Three Lanes and Seven Alleys, the Weimei Cultural and Creative Community Park has become the starting point for many Taiwanese youths to pursue their dreams.

It covers design handicraft display, art and cultural performance experience, creative entrepreneurship performance and other formats. It is an important platform for entrepreneurial exchanges between young people on both sides of the strait in Fuzhou.

The 29-year-old Zhang Zhaorui is a native of Taichung, Taiwan. He is currently the special assistant to the chairman of Weimei Cultural and Creative Village.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese entrepreneurial youth Zhang Zhaorui

  There are rents, rent subsidies and housing subsidies in various aspects. I feel that I feel a lot of warmth. I share my experience with more Taiwanese youths in Taiwan and become the same ferryman. The role of people on both sides of the strait is to allow some people on both sides of the strait to learn more about each other, and then to allow people on both sides of the strait to continue such peaceful and co-prosperity.

  [Explanation] In recent years, the mainland has introduced policies and measures such as "31 measures," "26 measures," and "11 measures," which have provided more favorable conditions for Taiwanese youth to come to the mainland for exchanges, study, internship, employment, and entrepreneurship.

During the interview, many young entrepreneurs in Taiwan were also full of expectations for the new year.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese entrepreneur Huang Zihan

  I hope to spread out some of my teaching concepts, some ideas about music and art more widely. I really hope that more young friends from Taiwan can come here to take a look. Is not the same as imagined.

  [Concurrent] Taiwanese entrepreneurial youth Zeng Baiwen

  In fact, many creations are not just a model. I hope that through my method, through some methods I learned in Taiwan, I will teach the children in mainland China so that they can learn that art can move a lot. Human.

  [Concurrent] Lin Dongyue, a young entrepreneur from Taiwan

  Welcome our Taiwanese youths to come to our Fujian Province, the first homeland where our Taiwanese compatriots and Taiwanese enterprises landed together, to work together and struggle together to pursue dreams together.

  Reporter Wu Shengwei reports from Fuzhou, Fujian

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]