Invited Saturday morning in Europe, Emmanuelle Wargon, the Minister for Housing, indicated that the health and economic crisis had not put a brake on the process of energy renovation of housing.

Around 190,000 requests were sent in 2020 to benefit from the MaPrimeRénov 'scheme.


Against all expectations, the health and economic crisis has not discouraged homeowners from launching the energy renovation of their homes.

"Contrary to popular belief, energy renovation is working very well at the moment," noted Saturday, at the microphone of Europe Matin, Emmanuelle Wargon, the Minister for Housing.

"We launched a new premium, MaPrimeRénov 'on January 1. We will end the year around 190,000 premiums requested this year, which is considerable knowing that this year we have had the Covid and confinement. We are really at above what we hoped for, ”she said.

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