U.S. President Donald Trump's camp is revisited by the Federal Supreme Court, dissatisfied with the dismissal of a lawsuit in Wisconsin in the Midwest over the presidential election, which claimed to invalidate some votes. I announced that I asked for it.

The election of President-elect Biden will be officially confirmed next week, but President-elect Trump is still poised to continue the legal battle.

This was announced in a statement on the 29th by President Trump's camp, which has not admitted defeat in the presidential election.

In this, the camp is dissatisfied with the dismissal of the Wisconsin Supreme Court's allegations of invalidating some votes, such as insufficient identity verification, and has called for another trial in the Federal Supreme Court. I will.

The Trump camp is requesting that Congress make a decision before the election of President-elect Biden is officially finalized by aggregating the results of votes cast by state electors on the 6th of next month.

The camp is also seeking a federal Supreme Court proceeding over the Supreme Court's decision in eastern Pennsylvania, but the U.S. media said it was extremely unlikely to be admitted in the form of expert citations. I am.

Even when the election results are about to be finalized next week, the Republicans in the family are distant from President Trump due to the unusual situation of continuing the court battle, and the media who have supported the president are also criticizing it. I am.