The video game industry has grown dramatically, to the point that its profits have exceeded those of the sports and film industries together, according to a report by Market Watch.

In this report, published by the American newspaper "THEHILL", writer Jordan Williams said that global video game revenues are expected to increase by 20% in 2020, to reach $ 179.7 billion, according to data provided by the international data group ( IDC).

According to the site, the largest part of the profits is expected to come from the games that are loaded on phones, it is expected to increase by 24%, equivalent to 87.7 billion dollars.

It is thanks to China that recently lifted the ban on gaming devices.

Console revenue is likely to rise to $ 52.5 billion this year, while PC and Mac games are expected to generate $ 39.5 billion in profits.

The largest portion of the global video game industry's profits will come from smartphone games (pixels).

The site notes that PC gaming revenues have been affected by the closure of the famous iCafes store in China, due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The video game industry has grown steadily in the past two years.

Experts said that this growth will continue until 2021, after Sony and Microsoft launched new gaming devices.

The "Market Watch" site indicates that the global sports industry - which has also suffered setbacks due to the epidemic - is expected to achieve profits of more than $ 75 billion this year.

The global film industry, which suffered a setback due to the Corona pandemic, recorded revenues of $ 100 billion in 2019 for the first time, according to Variety magazine in March.