China News Service, December 29. According to the website of the Hunan Provincial Department of Education, according to the Hunan Provincial People’s Government’s Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Reform of College Entrance Examination in Hunan Province (Xiangzheng Fa [2019] No. 8) and relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, to ensure The comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination was implemented steadily, talents were selected scientifically, and the examination and admissions work was maintained fair and just. On December 29, the Hunan Provincial Department of Education issued the "Hunan Province 2021 General College Enrollment Cultural Examination Arrangement and Enrollment Implementation Plan" (hereinafter referred to as "Implementation" Program").

  The main content of the "Implementation Plan" includes three aspects: examination arrangements, admission methods and safeguard measures.

Exam arrangement

  (1) Examination subjects.

The general college entrance examination subjects in Hunan Province implement the "3+1+2" model, which is composed of the national unified examination subjects and the general high school level elective subjects.

"3" is the national unified examination subjects, namely Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages ​​(including English, Russian, Japanese, French, German, and Spanish).

"1" is the preferred subject, that is, 1 subject in physics and history; "2" is the re-selected subject, that is, 2 subjects out of the 4 subjects of ideology and politics, geography, chemistry, and biology, and the subjects are set independently by Hunan Province.

  (2) Score composition.

The total cultural score of candidates for the college entrance examination is composed of the scores of the national unified examination subjects and the scores of selected subjects for the general high school level, with a full score of 750.

Among them, Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages ​​have a full score of 150 for each subject, which is directly counted as the total score of the college entrance examination by the original score of the paper; the three elective subjects selected by the candidates have a full score of 100 for each subject. The preferred subject (Physics, History 2 Choose 1) directly count the original scores on the paper into the total scores of the college entrance examination, and then choose the subjects (ideological and political, geography, chemistry, biology, 4 choices 2) according to the Provincial Department of Education's "About Doing a General High School Level Selective Examination Scores" into the college entrance examination The “Notice on Admission of Total Score Work” (Xiang Jiao Fa [2019] No. 10) stipulates that the converted scores will be included in the total scores of the college entrance examination.

  (3) Exam time.

The language test lasts 150 minutes, and the math and foreign language (including listening) test lasts 120 minutes.

The test duration of each selected subject is 75 minutes. The specific time schedule is as follows:


Early noon

in the afternoon

June 7





June 8

  Physics / History


  Foreign language (including listening)


June 9

  Chemistry (8:30-9:45)

  Geography (11:00-12:15)

  Ideological and Political (14:30-15:45)

  Biology (17:00-18:15)

  Note: The time schedule of the national unified examination subjects is subject to those announced by the Ministry of Education.

Admission method

  Ordinary colleges and universities recruit students based on their total scores in the college entrance examination and the comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high school students.

The specific methods for using the comprehensive quality evaluation results of senior high school students are researched and formulated by each admission college and specified in the admissions charter.

According to the two categories of physics and history, enrollment plans are divided, crossed separately, and admitted separately.

  Volunteer filing and filing are based on colleges or colleges’ professional groups. Each college or college’s professional group has 6 professional volunteers and 1 “professional obedience” volunteer.

  File admission is divided into general category, art category and sports category according to professional category.

General colleges and universities are based on the total scores of candidates in the college entrance examination, from high to low.

  Candidates with the same total score shall be sorted according to the following rules when submitting files.

For general professional categories, the sum of the two subjects of Chinese and Mathematics, the highest score of a single subject of Chinese or mathematics, the score of a single foreign language, the score of a single subject of the first choice, the highest score of a single subject of the re-selected subject, and the second highest score of a single subject of the re-selected subject The scores are ranked in descending order; if they are still the same, compare the candidates' order of volunteers, the first in the order of priority to vote, and the same order of volunteers will all vote.

For the admission of parallel voluntary submissions for arts and sports majors, the candidates will be selected according to their cultural scores, the sum of the two subjects of Chinese and mathematics, the highest score of a single subject of Chinese or mathematics, the score of a single foreign language, the score of a single subject of the first choice, and the list of re-selected subjects The highest scores of the subjects are ranked in descending order; if they are still the same, compare the candidates' order of volunteers, the first in the order of priority to vote, and the same order of volunteers will all vote.

  The methods for setting up and filling in and submitting files for each professional category are as follows:

  (1) General category.

The general category is divided into undergraduate advance approval, undergraduate approval, junior college advance approval and higher vocational college approval. The admission work is carried out in four batches.

According to the test takers’ scores, the number of general enrollment plans, and the source of students, the corresponding special types of admissions, undergraduate, and higher vocational college admission control scores are delineated according to a certain proportion. Among them, the special admission control reference scores are used as part of the special admissions and part The reference line for college admissions.

  1. Undergraduate approval in advance.

Including general colleges and majors that were originally arranged for undergraduate admissions in advance, that is, military, public security, judicial and other colleges and universities and other colleges and universities that require physical examinations, interviews or signing agreements; other colleges and universities approved by the Ministry of Education.

  The enrollment plan of military academies adopts the college professional group model, and the enrollment plan of other colleges adopts the "academic + major" model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Parallel volunteers and single volunteers are set up. Military academies adopt parallel volunteers, and there are 30 professional group volunteers in academies.

The remaining colleges and universities adopt a single volunteer, that is, one college volunteer.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the application requirements can apply.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that are not fully enrolled will arrange one call.

Candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers can lower their score requirements within the scope of the reduction in the policy; for admissions colleges and universities such as military and public security that require medical examinations and interviews, candidates who have passed the first physical examination interview and have not been admitted are eligible. Fill in the corresponding solicitation of volunteers.

  (3) File admission.

For colleges and universities that adopt parallel volunteering, the ratio of investment files is 100%.

For single-volunteer colleges and universities, the proportion of applicants who need to interview or sign a contract is 100%, and the proportion of applicants who do not require an interview is proposed by the admissions college, which in principle does not exceed 120%.

  2. Undergraduate approval.

Including general college majors and national special program general majors originally arranged in the first batch of undergraduates, the second batch of undergraduates, and the third batch of undergraduates, namely non-directional plans, directional plans, national special plans and local special plans, ethnic class plans, Preparatory class plan, high-level art troupe, high-level sports team, college special program and other enrollment majors.

  Admission plans for high-level art troupes, colleges and universities, and high-level sports teams adopt the "academic + major" model, and the enrollment plans for other colleges and universities adopt the college professional group model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up special types of volunteers and ordinary volunteers, among which special types of volunteers use a single volunteer, that is, one college volunteer; ordinary volunteers use parallel volunteers, and set up 45 college professional group volunteers.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Enrollment of high-level art troupes, college special plans and high-level sports teams shall be reported in special types of volunteers, and other enrollment shall be reported in ordinary volunteers.

For ordinary volunteers, after the admission is completed, the colleges that have not fully enrolled will arrange two solicitations. For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, the score requirements can be reduced within the scope of the policy.

  For high-level art troupes, special plans for colleges and universities, high-level sports teams, national special plans, local special plans, ethnic class plans, and preparatory class plans, candidates who meet the corresponding qualifications can fill in the application.

  (3) File admission.

Carry out special type of voluntary filing admission first, and then proceed to ordinary voluntary filing after completion.

For special types of volunteers, all applicants who have the qualifications to apply for the test and meet the score requirements are submitted; for ordinary volunteers, the percentage of submissions is proposed by the admissions college, which is 100% in principle, and the maximum does not exceed 105%.

  The minimum cultural performance requirements for special programs of colleges and universities and high-level art troupes are determined in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education. In principle, they are not lower than the reference scores for admission control of special types of students in Hunan Province.

For high-level sports team enrollment, the minimum cultural performance requirements are determined in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education, and in principle are not lower than the general undergraduate admission control score of Hunan Province. For a small number of candidates with outstanding physical test results, the enrollment colleges and universities shall follow the relevant requirements of the Ministry of Education. The admission requirements for cultural performance can be moderately reduced, but the minimum is not less than 65% of the general undergraduate admission control score in Hunan Province.

In principle, the minimum performance requirements of national and local special programs for enrollment shall not be lower than the general undergraduate admission control scores of Hunan Province.

For the enrollment of minority classes, the minimum score required is not lower than the minimum score of 40 points in the professional group of the non-oriented program colleges of the same school.

Enrollment for minority preparatory courses must have a minimum score of not less than the minimum score of 80 points in the professional group of the non-oriented program colleges of the same school.

  3. Specialties are approved in advance.

Including general colleges and universities that were originally arranged to approve the enrollment of junior college students in advance.

That is, targeted training of noncommissioned officers; majors in public security and justice; majors in flight attendants that require interviews; majors in navigation; various special post personnel plans and other majors.

  The enrollment plan for the targeted training of noncommissioned officers adopts the college professional group model, and the enrollment plan of other colleges adopts the "academic + major" model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Parallel volunteers and single volunteers are set up. Parallel volunteers are used to train non-commissioned officers. There are 30 college professional group volunteers.

The remaining colleges and universities adopt a single volunteer, that is, one college volunteer.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the application requirements can apply.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that are not fully enrolled will arrange one call.

Candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers can lower their score requirements within the scope of the reduction in the policy; for admissions colleges and universities that have physical examination and interview requirements, such as directional training of non-commissioned officers, public security officers, and flight attendants, the first physical examination interview is passed but not admitted Candidates can fill in the corresponding solicitation of volunteers.

  (3) File admission.

For those adopting parallel volunteering, the ratio of casting files is 100%.

With a single volunteer, the proportion of applicants who need an interview or signing a contract is 100%, and the proportion of applicants who do not require an interview is proposed by the admissions colleges, and in principle it does not exceed 120%.

  4. Higher vocational college approval.

Including general colleges and universities that were originally arranged to enroll in higher vocational colleges.

The enrollment plan adopts the professional group model of colleges and universities.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up parallel volunteers for 30 colleges and professional groups.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Fill in after the undergraduate batch admission.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that do not meet the quota will arrange two solicitation.

For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, the score requirements can be reduced within the scope of the policy.

  (3) File admission.

Admission is based on parallel voluntary submissions. The percentage of submissions is proposed by the admissions colleges. In principle, it is 100%, and the maximum is no more than 105%.

  (2) Art category.

The art category is divided into three admission batches: advance approval for undergraduates, approval for undergraduates and approval for higher vocational colleges.

The admission control scores for art and college cultural scores are based on the general and junior college control scores respectively, and are determined according to the relevant proportions and requirements set by the Ministry of Education. For majors that are applied for parallel volunteers, their professional scores are based on The enrollment plan and the distribution of candidates' scores in each category are determined according to a certain proportion; for majors that do not apply for parallel voluntary submissions, the professional score admission control score is determined by the university, but it must not be lower than the professional unified examination qualification threshold set by Hunan Province. The score admission control score is determined by the university in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and Hunan Province.

Admissions colleges can increase their performance requirements on the basis of the admission control scores delineated by Hunan Province.

  After the admission of each batch of art admissions, the colleges and universities that have not fully enrolled will be arranged to solicit volunteers. For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, their artistic professional scores can be reduced within the scope of the policy. Not lower than the initial minimum cultural admission control score.

  1. Undergraduate approval in advance.

Including art colleges and majors that were originally arranged for undergraduate admissions in advance.

Admissions colleges that use the Hunan Provincial Unified Examination results and implement the Hunan Provincial unified filing rules are arranged in parallel groups, and the plan is arranged in the college professional group mode; use the school exam results or use the Hunan Provincial unified exam results but follow the admissions college’s own admission rules The majors are arranged in non-parallel groups, and the enrollment plan adopts the "college + major" model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set 30 volunteers.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates choose colleges and majors that meet the relevant requirements based on their grades and other conditions to fill in.

Among them, the first order position can be filled in by the professional group of the college in the parallel group or the college in the non-parallel group; the second to 30th order position can only be filled in by the professional group of the college in the parallel group .

  After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that are not fully enrolled will arrange one call.

  (3) File admission.

A step-by-step admission method is implemented. The first step is to apply for admission to the colleges and universities that are filled in the first non-parallel group. According to the list of proposed files provided by the school, after the relevant procedures, the admission is 100%; the second step , For candidates who have reported that the colleges in the non-parallel group are not admitted, combine their remaining volunteers and candidates who have only filled in the parallel group volunteers, and apply in accordance with the parallel volunteer filing rules. The filing ratio is in principle 100%. No more than 105%.

When soliciting voluntary submissions for admission, candidates' scores should not be lower than the corresponding admission control scores for each category designated by Hunan Province or the self-marking lines determined by relevant colleges and universities in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education and Hunan Province.

  Sorting rules for parallel application of art majors: The comprehensive scores are calculated according to the cultural scores of the college entrance examination (including policy bonus points) and the professional unified test scores, and the online candidates’ comprehensive scores are sorted from high to low.

  Among them, the calculation formula for the comprehensive scores of music, art, dance, performance (costume performance), performance (drama performance), calligraphy art and calligraphy education is: comprehensive score = cultural score of college entrance examination (including policy bonus points) )×30%+Professional unified examination result×70%, the final result is to 1 decimal place.

  The formula for calculating the comprehensive scores for directors, broadcasting and hosting arts, photography and videography is: comprehensive score = college entrance examination cultural score (including policy bonus points) + professional unified examination score.

  2. Undergraduate approval.

Including the majors of art colleges originally arranged for the second batch of undergraduate and third batch of undergraduate enrollment.

The majors that use the Hunan Province unified test scores and implement the Hunan Province unified filing rules are arranged in the parallel group, and the majors that use the school test scores or the Hunan Province unified test scores but the majors that implement the admission rules of the school are arranged in the non-parallel group. .

In principle, the majors admitted with the results of the Hunan Provincial Unified Test must use the unified filing rules of Hunan Province and be assigned to the parallel group. The original arrangement in the parallel group remains unchanged.

  The way of setting up, filling in and submitting files for undergraduate approval is the same as undergraduate approval in advance.

  3. Higher vocational college approval.

Including art colleges and universities that were originally arranged to be admitted in advance for junior colleges and higher vocational colleges.

The enrollment plan adopts the professional group model of colleges and universities.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up parallel volunteers for 30 colleges and professional groups.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Fill out this batch of volunteers after the undergraduate batch admission.

Candidates who meet the score requirements can fill in.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that do not meet the quota will arrange two solicitation.

  (3) File admission.

Admission is based on the rules of parallel voluntary filing for art majors.

The investment ratio is proposed by the admissions colleges, and in principle it is 100%, and the maximum does not exceed 105%.

  (3) Sports.

Physical education is divided into four admission batches: undergraduate approval, undergraduate approval, junior college approval in advance, and higher vocational college approval.

According to the enrollment plan and the distribution of candidates' scores, the corresponding categories of undergraduate, higher vocational college culture and professional admission control scores are designated according to a certain proportion.

  1. Undergraduate approval in advance.

Including the sports colleges and universities that were originally arranged for undergraduate admissions in advance.

The enrollment plan adopts the "academic + major" model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up 1 college volunteer.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the score requirements can fill in.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that do not meet the quota will arrange a call.

For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, the score requirements can be reduced within the scope of the policy.

  (3) File admission.

Enrollment is based on the 100% ratio.

  2. Undergraduate approval.

Including the majors of sports colleges originally arranged for the first batch of undergraduates, the second batch of undergraduates and the third batch of undergraduates.

The enrollment plan adopts the professional group model of colleges and universities.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up 30 parallel volunteers for professional groups in colleges and universities.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the score requirements can fill in.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that do not meet the quota will arrange two solicitation.

For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, the score requirements can be reduced within the scope of the policy.

  (3) File admission.

The admission is based on the parallel voluntary submission admission rules.

The investment ratio is proposed by the admissions colleges, and in principle it is 100%, and the maximum does not exceed 105%.

  3. Specialties are approved in advance.

To train the specialty of noncommissioned officers.

The enrollment plan adopts the professional group model of colleges and universities.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

Set up 30 parallel volunteers for professional groups in colleges and universities.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the score requirements can fill in.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that are not fully enrolled will arrange one call.

  (3) File admission.

Enrollment is based on the 100% ratio.

  4. Higher vocational college approval.

Including the majors of sports colleges that were originally arranged to enroll students in higher vocational colleges.

The plan layout adopts the college professional group model.

  (1) Volunteer setting.

This batch has set up 30 parallel volunteers for professional groups in colleges and universities.

  (2) Volunteer to fill in.

Candidates who meet the score requirements can fill in this batch of volunteers after the undergraduate admission is completed.

After admission according to the candidate's application, the colleges and universities that do not meet the quota will arrange two solicitations.

For candidates who fill in the solicitation of volunteers, the score requirements can be reduced within the scope of the policy.

  (3) File admission.

Admission is based on parallel voluntary submissions. The percentage of submissions is proposed by the admissions colleges. In principle, it is 100%, and the maximum is no more than 105%.

  The sorting rules of each batch of sports files: the comprehensive scores are calculated according to the sum of the college entrance examination cultural scores (including policy bonus points) and the sports professional unified test scores, and the online candidates are sorted from high to low.

Safety precautions

  (1) Strengthen organization and leadership.

Under the correct leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the overall coordination of the Provincial General College Admissions Committee, all localities and relevant departments must strengthen their territorial management responsibilities and improve the overall coordination mechanism. The main responsible comrades of the party committee and government personally check and coordinate the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination. , Personally supervise, study and solve major issues in time to ensure the smooth implementation of reforms.

Admission committees at all levels, admissions examination agencies, and admissions colleges and universities should increase their organization, refine their work plans, strengthen risk prevention and control and response to public opinion, and ensure the smooth implementation of college admissions examination admissions in 2021.

  (2) Strengthen the guarantee of conditions.

Strengthen the construction of admissions and examination institutions and teams, improve the guarantee of admissions and examination conditions, and build standardized test centers, technical support services and information security management systems with high standards.

It is necessary to do a good job in the staffing of ordinary high school faculty and admissions agencies at all levels, further improve the replenishment mechanism for ordinary high school teachers, and strengthen the infrastructure and capacity building of examination admissions institutions at all levels.

  (3) Do a good job in publicity training and voluntary guidance services.

Educational administrative departments at all levels, admissions and examination agencies, and relevant schools should actively organize relevant training, focusing on full coverage training for teachers, students and parents of high school level schools, extensively interpreting policies, and in particular strengthening voluntary guidance for students. Ensure that teachers, students and parents correctly and completely understand the examination admission policy.

  (4) Carry out simulation exercises.

All levels and departments must do a full-process simulation exercise for the 2021 college admissions examination and admission work according to arrangements, and governments at all levels must provide certain funding support for each link.

It is necessary to identify and solve problems early, improve procedures, and optimize processes through simulation exercises, so as to lay the foundation for the smooth implementation of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in 2021.