Beijing BEIJING, December 28 electric

Title: Chinese Argentine compatriots died love relay to help the family out of the woods

  Chinanews reporter Wu Kan

  "After my sister passed away, the kindhearted people in the overseas Chinese community made me feel the care of my loved ones when I was alone and helpless." Recently, at a charity donation event of the Chinese News Agency in Argentina, the overseas Chinese Yan Ximei of Fuqing shed tears.

  In early December, Yan Ximei's sister died suddenly of illness in Argentina. Before that, the two sisters had been living in Buenos Aires, relying on part-time jobs to make ends meet and raising five children together.

The death of my sister made this originally difficult family lose an important source of income, and life suddenly fell into trouble.

  After the incident, the Argentine Chinese volunteer team went to visit Yan Ximei's home and realized that she was in a very difficult situation.

Volunteer team leader He Xiongming told reporters that the sudden change caused Yan Ximei to collapse several times and she couldn't cry. The sad scene also caused the volunteers to cry.

  He Xiongming introduced that because Yan Ximei had to go out to work, she was unable to take care of the five children by herself. The children had one meal without a meal, and a 10-year-old child was in poor health.

"The deeper we learned about this family, the more we felt worried for them, so we decided to launch a charity donation activity in the Chinese community."

  On December 16, a letter of donation proposal was screened in the circle of friends of the Chinese in Argentina.

The initiative wrote: “In 2020, Chinese compatriots in all walks of life in Argentina will be carrying a heavy burden. It is really a last resort to solicit donations from everyone. However, Ms. Yan’s family is struggling and desperate. Please extend a friendly hand to help them survive. Overcoming difficulties!"

  The love activity has received positive responses from overseas Chinese. In just four days, 303 donations totaling nearly 80,000 yuan (RMB, the same below) were raised.

  "Huang Yexuan children 300 yuan, fat grocery store 200 yuan, China Youth Football Team 10702 yuan, Azhong Kilmes Chinese Supermarket Chamber of Commerce 16,980 yuan..." On a donation list sent to reporters by He Xiongming, the reporter saw In addition to donations made in the name of individual overseas Chinese, many Chinese business enterprises and organizations have donated charitable donations.

  "After seeing the initiative of the Chinese volunteer team, we launched Solitaire donations in the WeChat group of the Chamber of Commerce members, and received strong support from the members." Huang Hanqin, President of the Chinese Supermarket Chamber of Commerce in Kilmes, said, hoping to pass everyone The love and help of Ms. Yan’s family can cheer up and get out of trouble as soon as possible.

  Chen Jie, the head of the Argentina Youth Football Team, told reporters that although everyone had a hard time this year and their work and business were affected by the epidemic, after learning about Ms. Yan’s situation, everyone wanted to help her and her children as best as they could. , A total of 36 team members participated in the donation activity.

  On December 25th, the Chinese Volunteer Team, as a representative, handed over these donations to Yan Ximei.

Yan Ximei said at the donation site that after my sister passed away, people from the overseas Chinese community provided us with housing, helped me deal with my sister's funeral, and also raised donations for us. The Chinese Embassy in Argentina also cares about us.

"Thank you all! I will cheer up and work hard, educate the children well, and be worthy of those who have helped us."

  Considering that it will be very difficult for Yan Ximei's family to continue to live in Argentina, with the help of Liu Fangyong, the president of the Argentine Chinese Foundation, Ms. Yan and the children performed nucleic acid and antibody tests, and the Argentine Chinese Hotel Antarctica Travel Agency bought them a ticket to return home. .

It is understood that Yan Ximei and her child returned to China on December 28.

  He Xiongming said that he hopes that in the "cold winter of the epidemic", the volunteer team can help more people solve their problems and make the Chinese feel the kindness and love from their compatriots.
