After the children had their peculiarities and different interests in various fields appropriate for their ages, some parents turned into a commodity with the aim of achieving fame or gaining money and increasing interactions.

Despite the successive crises after the spread of video clips on social media, and successive penalties for fathers, the matter did not stop without deterrent penalties to curb the spread of the phenomenon of parents' exploitation of children through social networks.

We review the most important stories that have caused controversy on social media in the past period, in which parents exploited their children in a way that is not commensurate with their ages.

Basant and Yaseen's story

The story may seem childish and playful, as the child Muhammad’s problem did not go out of it being the talk of a child - no more than 6 years old - to his father about his feelings towards his schoolmate, but the father took advantage of his son’s story to develop their conversation about his colleague’s betrayal and other matters not commensurate with this age Which made it a material for circulation and ridicule among the pioneers of communication sites.

Reactions to the clip varied;

Some considered it a comic, and others saw it as a psychological crime of the child and an assault on the values ​​of society, misuse of the Internet, and exploitation by the father of his son in order to reap profits, especially since the father is a popular singer, and some considered that he is exploiting his child for a wide spread of them.

On the other hand, the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood filed a complaint against the popular singer and submitted a complaint to the Child Protection Office at the Attorney General's office to take the necessary measures regarding this incident.

Exploiting feelings of sadness

Kuwaiti Phenicia - known as Ryan's mother - took advantage of her son's innocence and published a video clip of his emotional moment while receiving the news of the death of his grandmother, that is, her mother, through her Instagram account, to document his reaction and his collapse in tears in front of millions of followers, without stopping for the video.

The video clip angered the followers, describing what she had done as a violation of his right to privacy, trading in the feelings of a child for the sake of fame and achieving a number of visits on her page.

Venice or Ryan is a well-known Kuwaiti "fashionista", whose Instagram page has 1.5 million followers.

The video sparked widespread controversy on social media platforms, prompting the Department of Cybercrime to refer it for investigation, according to the Kuwaiti Council’s Twitter account, confirming that it was referred to the Public Prosecution in cooperation with the Child Protection Association.

Ahmed Hassan and Zainab

In an incident that caused great controversy among the pioneers of social networking sites, "YouTuber" Ahmed Hassan and his wife Zainab filmed a video of their daughter Eileen, during her panic stages when the mother painted her face black, and approached her daughter during her sleep, so that the little girl woke up with different features of her mother, which is What caused the collapse of the child, amid the laughter of the mother and father, and asked the audience to share the admiration and spread of the video, without paying attention to the feelings of the child who was not more than a year old.

The video raised the ire of many, refusing to intimidate the parents of a child in order to reap profits, 48 ​​hours after the incident, and after the case sparked public opinion;

The Public Prosecutor's Office decided to imprison Zainab and Ahmed Hassan for 4 days pending investigations into their accusation of terrorizing their daughter, and the Public Prosecution received a letter from the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood stating that the Child Helpline had received a notification about the defendants publishing a video clip on their channel that included their intimidation and ridicule of their fear and reaction.

This is to increase the viewership of the clip on their channel in an effort to make a profit, and that they were previously complained in 2019.

After that, the parents pledged to the prosecutor that their daughter would not appear in their videos later.

Babies enjoy crying

A mother posted a video of her daughter while she was crying hard, where the child was asking her mother to eat because she would "die of hunger", as she said. As for the mother, she enjoyed a great calm mixed with sarcastic laughs, assuring her child that if she ate she would get fatter, and compare her with another child who has a body Contrasted compared to her, and then you should not eat to be graceful like him, for the child to collapse into tears again.

Like the previous video, an Egyptian grandmother filmed a video clip of her granddaughter while she collapsed into intense tears, after the grandmother told her that she had to lose weight in order to be beautiful, and she threatened - during filming - that she would be mocked for being fat, so that the child would respond, "What is their matter? .

To the grandmother excitedly respond, "Do not eat yourself; eating will make you die."

The video achieved a high viewership at the time, with angry reactions, after which it became clear that the family presented its daughter in front of social networking sites to make profit through ads and increased views, as the child and her mother later appeared in several similar clips.

Child drinking hookah

A video clip spread 3 years ago of a mother filming her daughter as she cries and asks her to drink hookah, so the mother took advantage of the child's innocence and her picture of drinking hookah in a way that disgusted many, and demanded a trial for the mother who exposed her daughter to risks in order to make money.

Despite the anger of observers at the spread of these clips and the goal behind them, whether by profit, fame, or increased interaction on parents' accounts through social media, the concerned authorities are content to warn the parents, or ignore the matter

This results in the emergence of bolder and more exploitative clips of children's innocence and spontaneity through social networks, without fear of abusers being punished.