According to CNN, the police have made tissue findings in the immediate vicinity of the site of the explosion, and they are now investigating whether there may be human remains.

At least three people were slightly injured in connection with the explosion.

- We believe that the explosion was an intentional act, says Nashville police spokesman Don Aaron.

The television company CNN has a video from a surveillance camera in the area.

A computerized female voice is heard reading the following message: “This area must be evacuated now.

If you can hear this message - evacuate now ”.

Shortly afterwards, the explosion occurs.

According to Nashville Police Chief John Drake, it was also warned that a "bomb would detonate within 15 minutes".

Around the same time, the police received an alarm about gunfire in the same area where the motorhome was parked.

Once there, the police patrol that responded to the gun alarm on the bomb unit called.

But before the bomb squad arrived, the camper exploded.

The bang caused other vehicles to be destroyed, windows smashed and trees fell on the street.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper has imposed a curfew around the blast site over the weekend.

FBI investigators will investigate the scene, although police say they were not aware of any further threats to the city.