If you have a small child wandering around your bedroom at night and wondering what to do about it, you are not alone, most parents suffer from kicking, pulling hair and insomnia all night because their children sleep in the same room, and feelings of love, guilt, and even exhaustion overwhelm their desire for independence in their room.

Allowing your child to sleep with you is not a problem in and of itself, if he returns to his bed ready for sleep, but that behavior continues when his needs are not understood and met during the day, and this may be a reflection of the indulgent parenting pattern.

Over time, the child will not have a real sense of what is right or wrong, and he will test the situation often to measure your reaction, so you should reassure him in his own space at night, to trust his abilities during the day.

Take care of it during the day

1- It may be tempting for some mothers to avoid engaging in deep discussions with their children, or to answer all their endless inquiries, but remember that complex feelings and questions without a convincing and real answer will not disappear if they are not discussed, but rather worsen and appear on the child in other forms. night.

2- If you showed your son that you can talk to him about thorny topics such as the death of a grandmother or bullying, this will explain to him how to deal with difficult topics as well, and talk about them freely and safely with you, so listen to him well during the day.

3- If you had any difficult discussions with him, such as death or the Corona virus, then avoid the time before bed, and do not end it superficially.

Make it a simple and smooth discussion, and talk to him about the practical aspects of getting rid of negative feelings about these topics, such as the presence of close friends, relatives who live near you, or a doctor you can contact when needed.

4- If your baby is jealous of his baby sibling who is sleeping in your room, making extra special time during the day can help him feel the positive attention he needs.

 Set it up before bed

5- Set a new bedtime routine, which includes night lighting, bedtime stories, music, and talking about the bedroom as a safe place full of love, and he will gradually reassure that there are no monsters in his room, and he will love to sleep in it.

6- Make your child's room sleep-friendly before you start to insist on him staying in his room overnight.

Each child's idea of ​​what the comfortable environment looks like is different, so while one child may enjoy some sounds and light lighting, another child may want to embrace a stuffed animal, with complete darkness and absolute silence, so try some different things to know what helps your child feel more comfortable .

7- Create an action plan instead of simply telling your child not to get out of bed, teach him how to go back to sleep, and ask him to stay in his bed, close his eyes, and think of something fun, such as what he wants to do on his birthday, or the next vacation.

If your child is jealous of his baby brother who sleeps in your room, providing him with extra time will make him feel reassured (communication sites)

I reassure him at night

8- After kissing the child while he is in his bed, and before leaving his room, you can ask him a question, such as "How can I help you feel safe before bed?"

It is better to meet what he is asking for, and reassure him, so instead of leaving his room, turning off the lights, and suddenly the rule of silence, you can do some household tasks, such as collecting dirty clothes, or filling some water bottles for tomorrow, so that he can hear you, feel reassured about you, and eternity Sleep.

9- It is easier to train a young child to sleep in his room when he is in his bed, as he will not be able to get out of the bed and look for you, but if he cannot sleep without your presence, then sit on his bed until he sleeps, and after a few days move to a chair, then move the chair Gradually near the door, until he is comfortable sleeping alone.

10- Do not give in to circumstances, especially when your child becomes sick or cannot sleep after watching a scary movie, you can still calm him without inviting him to your room, and you can go to the child, and sleep in his room.

11- Stick to your decision If your child sneaks into your room at night, you may be tired or frustrated, but if you want to dissuade your child from sleeping in your bed, you must send a consistent and clear message every night, but if your child sees that his persistence and his protests affect your decision, the problem will not end.

12 - If your child used to sleep on his own and then the problem came back, your child may face a real problem that hinders him from sleeping quietly, and you have to take a step back, examine the possible causes for this, and then treat the problem more effectively.