
Yesterday (22nd), Russia released a video regarding the invasion of our air defense identification area by Chinese and Russian military aircraft.

The US responded by launching a strategic bomber into the South China Sea, saying it was a "provocative operation."

It's a nerve war based on their calculations, and the problem is that it's happening in the sky around the Korean Peninsula.

Reporter Hak-Hwi Kim reported.

<Reporter> In the

dark dawn, a Russian bomber ready to launch takes off.

This is a video released by the Ministry of Defense of Russia saying that it has conducted joint training with China.

In addition to escorting bombers in their country, they also revealed scenes of escorting Chinese bombers.

The two countries said the training was not aimed at a third country, but the following telephone talks with foreign ministers agreed to cooperate against US unilateralism.

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the United States is "provocative aerial operations", "South Korea "I strongly support the concern of the country," and today, in Guam, we launched two B-1B strategic bombers into the South China Sea.

It is solved as a kind of fight.

The problem is that our air defense identification zone, Cadiz, is in the middle of this nervous war.

The 19th Chinese and Russian military aircraft came and went in and out of Cadiz in the process of moving, saying yesterday that they are conducting joint training in the north of the East Sea and the south of Ieodo in the East China Sea.

The air defense identification zone is a kind of buffer zone set outside the airspace to prevent accidental collision.

Although there is a direct network between the two countries with China, Russia does not recognize air defense identification zones at all.

The government urged China and Russia to prevent a recurrence with strong regret.

(Video editing: Jeong Seong-hoon)