- A cohesive EU is our best asset when the world is worried, Stefan Löfven said initially in his speech.

Sweden must push for a tightening of climate change and that wage dumping be removed, says Löfven.

- Sweden will continue to lead the work for a safer labor market, with safe and secure jobs.

The Nordic model must be respected when the EU discusses minimum wages, said Löfven.

The so-called Nordic model means that EU citizens working in Sweden must be covered by collective agreements and have the same working conditions as their domestic colleagues.

Criticism of European minimum wages

The new President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wants to see a European minimum wage.

It is a serious threat to the Swedish collective agreement model, writes among others LO and the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise in a debate article in Dagens Nyheter.

Jimmie Åkesson (SD) and Ulf Kristersson (M) wonder what the government intends to do about minimum wages.

- How will Löfven ensure that the Nordic model is respected within the EU?

asked Jimmie Åkesson.

Löfven replied that Sweden should safeguard the Nordic model and that it should not have directives in this area.

The Prime Minister emphasized that it is good that the rest of Europe wants decent conditions.

- But it should not happen at the expense of the Swedish model.

We have the world's best wage formation system, he replied.