One year of commercial use, what 5G will bring to you and me

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

  A total of more than 700,000 5G base stations have been built and opened, the number of terminal connections has exceeded 180 million, and the cumulative shipment of 5G mobile phones has exceeded 100 million... Since my country officially issued a license in 2019, 5G has been commercially available for more than a year.

5G is like a catalyst, bringing no small chemical reactions to urban life, economic society.

  A cloud, "live" into your life

  "Twenty years ago, the first day I joined Jinshan, I saw the words "Let our software run on every computer" on the wall. Today, we changed it to "Let our products run on every computer." On the equipment'.” The rapid changes in the digital age have made Kingsoft CEO Zhang Qingyuan feel a lot.

  The epidemic has accelerated the popularity of online office, and 5G networks have made data transmission and sharing smoother.

Kingsoft Office data shows that the number of active devices in the WPS Office client has reached 450 million per month.

In 2020, users created 100 million files on the WPS cloud every day.

  The improvement of network facilities has quickly entered the "cloud era" in people's lives.

While new technologies bring about lifestyle changes, they also spawn many smart applications.

  Another human-machine confrontation!

This time, it is in the medical "peak"-the field of intracranial aneurysm diagnosis and treatment.

  At the previous Tiantan International Cerebrovascular Disease Conference 2020, the intracranial aneurysm auxiliary diagnosis system released by Beijing Ande Medical Intelligence relies on high-quality data and advanced algorithms to accurately identify and locate intracranial aneurysms.

With the aid of network foundation and medical imaging technology, medical AI is moving towards refinement.

  Online classes are coordinated with physical classrooms, and online education helps "stop classes without stopping school"; telecommuting promotes the resumption of work and production, so that distance does not affect efficiency... Since this year, this "cloud" can be seen everywhere, and people's online living space has expanded.

  According to data from the professional version of Tianyancha, there are currently more than 7,000 companies engaged in "cloud office" related businesses in China, and nearly half of them have been established within 5 years.

  Data from Baidu shows that in the past year, the amount of device access on Baidu's IoT platform has increased by more than 200% year-on-year.

The accelerated networking of enterprise equipment also confirms that the momentum of digitalization and intelligence is accelerating.

  A net changes the industrial ecology

  "Dididi"-On December 10, with the sound of the electric test stick in the hands of the staff, the live working robot independently developed by the State Grid Hangzhou Xiaoshan Power Supply Company successfully completed the wire bonding operation.

With the development of smart grid technology and the deepening of network connection, the mode of completing live work through 5G remote control robots has been more widely used.

  When the industrial Internet and 5G are combined, a large number of devices are connected to the online cloud, and massive data is transmitted in milliseconds, more industries and enterprises will obtain opportunities for digital upgrades.

  In the field of e-commerce, 5G networks have accelerated the transmission speed, and live broadcasting is becoming a new format of commercial retail; in the field of manufacturing, consumption data is imported to capture potential demand, and the digital transformation of the supply side accelerates the popularization of flexible manufacturing...

  At present, "5G + Industrial Internet" has entered an important stage of transition from the initial stage to the rapid development stage.

my country's industrial Internet applications cover more than 30 key industries such as raw materials, equipment manufacturing, consumer goods, energy, and medical care.

  "Digital transformation is changing from'optional' to'must-answer'." Wang Hongtian, CEO of Inspur Group, said that Inspur is accelerating the development of industrial Internet platforms, the construction of storage product systems, etc., to seize the opportunities of digital upgrades in traditional industries and provide more services New format.

  Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Minister Xiao Yaqing said that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology encourages leading companies in all walks of life to use 5G, edge computing and other new technologies to transform the industrial Internet intranet, and will accelerate the construction of benchmarking networks, key industrial equipment and enterprises to the cloud, so that the application scenarios will be more entities. Economic industry extension.

  A "G" to speed up digital China

  As the integration and representative of a new generation of information technology, 5G is the scientific and technological basis for the innovation and development of industries, transportation, education, and medical care.

Since the beginning of this year, a series of measures to accelerate the construction of new infrastructure have been continuously launched.

With the large-scale application of 5G, the pace of digital China construction is accelerating.

  "In terms of network construction, we must be moderately ahead of time, let'roads' wait for'cars' instead of'cars' wait for'roads'." Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that 5G has entered a critical stage of construction and development, and base station construction progress Exceeded expectations.

  According to data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, my country has built and opened more than 700,000 5G base stations. In the first three quarters, personal application scenarios such as ultra-high-definition video, mobile cloud, and VR have gradually been enriched, and the practice of smart technology in vertical industries such as home furnishing and autonomous driving has continued to deepen.

  “5G is stimulating technological progress from the industry, cultivating new momentum for transformation and upgrading from the economy, and creating a new paradigm of life from the social level.” said Liu Duo, president of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. As the penetration rate of 5G users continues to increase, and 5G Related innovative businesses will grow substantially.

  At present, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is accelerating the collaborative research on core and application technologies of digital infrastructure.

In the next step, it will guide the acceleration of 5G co-construction and sharing and inter-network roaming, further enrich the application scenarios, promote the introduction of 5G terminals with rich categories and cost-effectiveness into the market, open up the application channels between 5G and various industries, and allow smart technology to promote consumption and help. The potential for upgrading and fostering new kinetic energy for economic development has further emerged.