
Berlin (dpa) - With the Museum4Punkt0 project, further digital offers for museums in Germany can be developed.

The project, which is initially planned for three years, will be funded by the federal government with ten million euros in the coming year, as the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation announced on Monday in Berlin.

Nationwide museums and museum umbrella organizations have come together to form the joint project.

In the coming year, ten more will join the six partners with their projects.

On the museum map of Germany, the spectrum ranges from the German Sea Museum in Stralsund to the Carnival Museum in Bad Dürrheim.

The aim is to develop digitally based new variants for museums with which visitors to museums can learn and participate.

Results and experiences from the sub-projects are also made available to other museums via the joint network in order to support smaller houses with the implementation of digital offers.

These include virtual reality applications, virtually supported personal tours or apps for object exploration.


"Especially in times of pandemics, the desire of many museums to reach people with suitable digital offers is evident," said Monika Hagedorn-Saupe.

There are often insufficient resources available for this.

The task is therefore to provide project results in the long term and in the best possible way.

"Expert knowledge only takes effect when others participate."

Information about the project