China News Service, Guiyang, December 19 (Zhou Yanling) The temperature in winter is getting colder, and it is the season of migratory birds to migrate and overwinter.

As of the 19th, Weining Caohai, one of China's three plateau freshwater lakes, has welcomed 100,000 migratory birds overwintering.

  In recent years, through comprehensive management such as "returning cities to lakes, treating pollution and purifying lakes, and afforesting culvert lakes", the ecosystem of the Caohai National Nature Reserve in Guizhou has been gradually restored, attracting a large number of migratory birds to come to overwinter.

  Up to now, the number of black-necked cranes under China's national first-class protection animal has increased 10 times from the more than 200 at the beginning of the establishment in 1985.

Since the beginning of winter, there have been more and more birds in Guizhou Caohai National Nature Reserve, in groups, sometimes frolicking on the water for food, sometimes hovering in the air, it is spectacular, forming a beautiful and harmonious ecology Picture scroll.

  The wetlands are ecological and migratory birds return home as promised.

As China's efforts to improve the ecological environment continue to increase and forest coverage has gradually increased, wetlands in many places have become paradise for many rare birds and transfer stations for migratory birds.

  Poyang Lake, located on the south bank of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is China's largest freshwater lake and an internationally important wetland, attracting nearly 700,000 migratory birds to live through the winter every year.

The oriental white stork is listed as an endangered species in the world. In recent years, the living environment of the oriental white stork in China has been greatly improved. Many of them have ceased to migrate and become "resident birds" after overwintering in migration areas such as Poyang Lake and the Yellow River Delta.

  With the increase in ecological construction and protection, the wetland ecological environment in the Ulan Buhe Desert, the eighth largest desert in China, has been effectively restored. There are hundreds of thousands of migratory birds here every year, and the number of migratory birds has increased from more than 30 in 2005 Up to now more than 100 kinds.

  At present, more than 1,000 important migratory bird habitats have been discovered in China, 82 national nature reserves, 131 provincial nature reserves, and 159 city and county nature reserves have been established with birds as the main protection targets. Resources and migration of migratory birds are actively protected.
