Winter fruits such as persimmons and hawthorns are delicious. Don't be greedy and be careful to "eat" gastroliths!

  Food nutrition

  In daily life, you can often hear that people around you have gallstones, kidney stones or even bladder stones. It is rare to hear people mention "gastrolithiasis", and many people even wonder if there are "long stones" in the stomach. ?

  Although calculus is not an incurable disease, and the harm of gastroliths is far less than that of gallstones and kidney stones, it also has the characteristics of onset of pain and may cause other complications, so it should also arouse everyone's attention.

  From infant to elderly

  Gastric disease may occur

  There is no specific population for the occurrence of gastrolithiasis. It can be caused by improper diets from old people to infants and young children. The most common one is plant-based gastrolith. So, can gastrolith be prevented?

  Here is a case to share with you.

  A 65-year-old uncle Jin in Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, likes to eat persimmons. At the end of last month, it was the persimmon harvest season. The old man bought three catties of persimmons and ate them almost all at once. As a result, stomach pain, vomiting, and vomiting occurred that night. For the symptoms of acid reflux, after a gastroscopy, the doctor found a large number of gastric stones in his stomach.

  Through this case, I want to remind everyone that although the season is suitable for eating persimmons, they should also be careful not to eat too much.

  This is because persimmon contains a lot of tannic acid and pectin, especially immature, unshaved fruit or peel, which will easily combine with gastric acid and cellulose after eating, and tannic acid will combine with protein to form water insoluble Pectin may also coagulate when exposed to acid, causing the peel, fruit fiber or food residues to combine to form a clot, which may eventually lead to the occurrence of gastroliths. Depending on individual circumstances, it may even require hospital treatment.

  These high tannin fruits

  May also cause gastrolith


  When it comes to hawthorn, most people think that hawthorn can help digestion and appetite. When digestion is not good, they will also choose to eat some hawthorn to help digestion. There are also hawthorn ingredients in the Jianweixiaoshi tablets we eat in daily life.

  Hawthorn also contains a lot of tannic acid and pectin. During digestion, this substance will combine with gastric acid to form some deposits, which may eventually lead to gastrolithiasis.

  Black date

  Black jujube may not be a food that everyone is particularly familiar with. Unlike persimmon or hawthorn, most people know it, but I believe everyone must have heard of it. There is a very famous street specialty snack in Beijing in winter-Bingtang Hulu.

  Candied haws are made from many kinds of fruits. Hawthorn is the most commonly used raw material, in addition to strawberries, grapes, bananas, etc., black dates are also one of the indispensable raw materials.

  Although the black jujube is called jujube, it actually belongs to the genus Diospyros in the persimmon family, so it is also called wild persimmon, which means that it actually has the same characteristics as persimmons. Both contain more pectin and tannic acid. After eating too much May cause gastrolithiasis.

  In addition to the foods mentioned above, fruits rich in tannic acid include apples, grapes, pomegranates, etc., and excessive intake of foods rich in dietary fiber may also be the cause of gastrolithiasis, such as celery and pumpkin.

  Although gastroliths caused by these foods are not very common, they also remind us that we should not eat too many foods with these characteristics in our daily lives.

  Four tips for effective prevention of gastrolith

  1. Choose ripe persimmons. If you choose unripe persimmons, you need to put them together with other fruits such as apples to help remove astringency.

  2. Do not eat persimmons and persimmon peels on an empty stomach, and do not eat them with aquatic products that contain a lot of protein. Protein is also prone to gastroliths under the action of tannic acid.

  3. When eating hawthorn and persimmon, don't drink too much water at the same time, and it is not advisable to drink alcohol after eating.

  4. If you have stomach upset and other symptoms after eating persimmon, hawthorn, etc., you should go to the hospital in time.

Text/Master Lu Junbo, Doctor Ma Health Group

  Guidance/Doctor Ma Guansheng