The movement of the fetus in the mother's womb is evidence of his enjoyment of good health, and those kicks begin early in pregnancy, and they become more regular and frequent as the child grows.

In a report published by the Spanish "estilonext" magazine, the writer Elena Montes says that pregnant women are usually faced with many doubts and questions, including those related to fetal kicks, which begin at a certain stage of pregnancy.

In this context, the author answers a number of questions related to fetal kicks, when do they actually start?

And when does the woman feel it?

What should be done if the fetus did not move?

In any month of pregnancy start the fetus kicks?

It is estimated that a pregnant woman begins to feel the kicks of the fetus in the fourth month of pregnancy;

That is, starting from week 16, although the child's movements start earlier;

That is, in the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy.

These kicks usually indicate that the child is healthy and developing well.

During the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy, fetal movements can already be detected through ultrasound, and a gynecologist can show these movements to the parents even if the mother has not yet felt them.

The fetus moves through the womb thanks to the "amniotic fluid" that surrounds it and protects it from shocks. The basic movements it makes at first are to raise its arms and legs, and then begins to kick.

When does the mother feel the movements of the fetus?

Usually, the matter varies from one woman to another, and a pregnant woman notices these movements mainly when lying down, sitting or changing position.

In these cases, the baby takes the opportunity to hit the walls of the uterus with his arms or legs.

As pregnancy develops, the fetus tends to move at specific times of the day;

So a mother can anticipate when her baby will move.

What are the factors affecting fetal movement?

There are factors that affect the movement of the fetus in the womb, including the mother's diet.

For example, if the mother eats a lot of sweets, the fetus may move more actively;

Due to high levels of glucose in the blood.

When the level of glucose rises in the mother's blood, then it is transferred to the fetus through the placenta;

This results in regular movements for short periods.

From simple movements to kicks

The movements of the fetus in the womb vary as the pregnancy progresses.

At a very early stage, when the fetus is a few centimeters long, it usually floats in the womb, swinging and rotating thanks to the amniotic fluid.

As the fetus grows, simple movements turn into kicks.

Are these kicks dangerous?

These movements do not pose a risk to the health of the fetus or the mother.

On the contrary, these movements are an indication that the fetus is in good health.

And if the fetus stops moving for a long time, then the matter is cause for concern.

The movement of the fetus indicates that it has minimal coordination between the spine, head and shoulders, and the amniotic fluid protects it from any damage when it performs these movements.

Does the fetus stop moving in recent weeks?

Many believe that the fetus stops moving during the last weeks of pregnancy;

But this is not true.

The fetus grows in the last period of pregnancy, and the area of ​​movement for it becomes small;

So his movements decrease, and he becomes calmer;

But his activity does not stop completely.

The fetus kicks during the first pregnancy

The woman feels during her first pregnancy the kicks of the fetus at week 20, while in her second or third pregnancy at week 16. This may be because the mother in her first pregnancy may think that the movement of the fetus is stomach disorders or gases, and it takes some time to recognize kicks Her child.

Also, skinny women feel those kicks more easily.

The frequency of the kicks

The frequency of movements of the fetus cannot be scientifically measured;

However, there are some indications that kicks occur regularly and infrequently during the second "trimester" of pregnancy.

As the pregnancy progresses, the movements become more frequent and regular.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman can count the kicks of the fetus;

As they become more regular.

Gynecologists advise to note the regularity and frequency of movements;

Because its lack or disappearance may indicate a problem that requires consulting a doctor.

In conclusion, we confirm that these are general advice. If you are pregnant or thinking about pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

If there is any change in the movement of the fetus, or you have any concerns about the health of the fetus, see a doctor immediately.