The changed taste of learning and training has become a new burden for the grassroots!

  Nowadays, learning and training in many places are carried out vividly, continuously helping grassroots cadres to broaden their thinking and improve their skills.

However, the reporter of Banyuetan found that some places usually do not attach importance to study and training, and are used to conducting surprise training at the end of the year.

The grassroots cadres said that the changed learning and training should really be changed.

1 The changed taste of learning and training has become a new burden for the grassroots

  Liu Ran is a township civil servant in a province in the central part of China. Recently, her study and training tasks are very heavy.

"I will go to the county to participate in intensive full-time learning soon. I usually have to score points on 2 platforms." When it comes to this, Liu Ran is helpless and grateful-her leaders have to complete the learning on 4 platforms.


Wang Zhi, who works in a public institution, has just finished a week-long full-time study, and has to immediately complete the learning task of two video lessons per week arranged by the unit.

Wang Zhi said that the sudden training disrupted the original work schedule: "I can only take the time to reply to messages while watching the video, and I can simply take out the computer to handle the work when it is particularly urgent."

  Generally speaking, each unit has clear requirements for the training duration every year, and units with reasonable arrangements for learning and training can meet the training requirements on time.

And some departments that don't usually pay attention to learning and training are used to conducting surprise attacks at the end of the year.

But the end of the year is also the busiest time for business, and grassroots cadres must participate in learning and training while doing their jobs.

The reality of "Once they are studying, no one will take over the work" often prevents them from guaranteeing the effectiveness of the training and increases the intensity of their work.

  The learning and training of surprise implementation is linked to the assessment, and you must participate.

The half-monthly talk reporter found that some departments use learning and training participation as a basis for assessing work attitudes and professional capabilities, and some even link learning and training participation with the evaluation of professional titles.

  In order to test the learning and training results, some units also set up various examinations.

"All kinds of exams are generally ranked. The scores are too low, and the leaders in charge will be unhappy when they see it." The grassroots cadres reported that only when the study and training were carried out "vigorously", some leaders have political achievements.

Some grassroots cadres lack the motivation to study, but due to the hours required to participate in the training, they are struggling to cope. They simply hire someone to collect credits online instead of taking their online exams.

2 The rise of formalism in learning and training

  The surprise training at the end of the year made the opportunities that should be cherished turned into a psychological burden for the grassroots cadres.

The grassroots cadres said frankly that formalism in learning and training is gradually rising. In addition to the unreasonable schedule of learning and training and conflicts with grassroots jobs, other formalistic chaos also makes them deeply tired.

  The learning and training content is out of touch with the actual work, and it is difficult to guide the work.

The grassroots cadres bluntly stated that some of the assault training courses were arranged by the superiors, not what they wanted to learn, and did not improve professional ability. They were out of line with actual needs and were not grounded.

  A teacher in a county in Southwest China said: “The training tasks are too many to complete, and many of them are not related to the content of the job. I teach students, but the training courses focus on legal expertise.”

  Formalism in learning and training is also reflected in the dull and boring learning style. The content of learning and training is "old wine in old bottles".

  In some places, online learning is regarded as an innovation in the form of training.

A grassroots cadre in the central region told Banyuetan reporters that the local learning index for general cadres is 50 credits, and for department-level cadres is 80 credits. Each credit earned requires 45 minutes of online video.

  In this regard, the grass-roots cadres believe that this is just moving the "I speak you listen" routine from offline to online.

Some older grassroots cadres are not used to watching learning and training videos on their mobile phones, and hand them over to their family members for help.

There are even individual leaders who have assigned the task of refreshing school to their young subordinates and ignored them.

  Emphasis on form and light on actual results. In some places, learning and training plans are set up. It simply requires the number of learning tasks to be completed each year, as long as the data is substantial. As for how effective it is, most of them are not considered.

Some units engage in competitions on the length of learning and training, increasing the length of learning and training, even exceeding the capacity of grassroots cadres.

Faced with the surprise training set up in order to cope with the assessment tasks and indicators, the participants naturally deal with learning.

  The Banyuetan reporter found that some departments did not dare to face the “embarrassing situation” that could lead to widespread failures in serious assessments, so the assessments were either particularly simple or an open-book exam was implemented.

The whole set of links becomes "behave".

3 Reasonably optimize training activities to avoid "hot up and cold down"

  "Study and training is a good thing. This form of training was originally very popular." Liu Ran believes that now many grassroots cadres buy books and study by themselves, indicating that everyone is still very enthusiastic about learning.

If the training activities are arranged reasonably to avoid formalism in the learning and training, the training activities will naturally produce good results.

-Change the situation of "shave one's head and pick one's head hot".

At present, training activities are often planned and organized by higher-level departments and completed and implemented by lower-level departments.

To break the phenomenon of “hot and cold”, all departments need to conduct full research before conducting training, communicate more with lower-level units, understand the real needs of grassroots cadres and practical problems in their work, and arrange for professionals to design professional courses so that Education and training really take root.

—— Combine training content with business work and stimulate the enthusiasm of grassroots cadres for active learning.

For example, it can improve the organization and management ability of learning and training, enrich the classroom teaching methods of training, and use innovative thinking to solve the boring problems of current training and education.

  A grassroots legal worker said that due to the particularity of the position, when there are amendments to laws and regulations or when new laws and regulations are issued, their departments will focus on arranging unified learning. Related learning activities have updated everyone’s knowledge reserve and improved business skills. professional.

When the Civil Code was promulgated this year, the department invited experts to give lectures on topics, which was very practical.

——Optimize the assessment mechanism, carry out high-quality competitions, and honor rewards and punishments in a timely manner.

In the process of education and training, some grassroots cadres do have slack and escape emotions.

In order to ensure the quality of training, one must pass high-quality competition assessments to help trainees consolidate their knowledge; two must be effective in rewards and punishments, and increase rewards for outstanding individuals with positive attitudes and good training effects to motivate them to learn and train.

(All grassroots cadres in the text are pseudonyms)

  Source: "Ban Yue Tan" No. 23, 2020 Original title: "Assault training changes taste, emphasis on form and light on actual effect"

  Half a month to talk about reporters: Yang Xin and Liu Fangzhou